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Restaurant recommendation in Montmartre district, Paris

Looking for a restaurant recommendation ($$$) in Montmartre district, within an easy walk to Moulin Rouge, for a party of 8, on a Monday night in Paris.
Would prefer French cuisine, but open to all suggestions.
Thank you.

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3884 posts

I had a sublime meal a couple of years ago at L'Arcane on Rue Lamarck. I did not check to see if they are open on Mondays and it is about a 20-minute walk mostly downhill to the Moulin Rouge. Chez Pitou on Rue Tholoze is very, very good and about half as far away as L'Arcane.

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3884 posts

Sorry about that. It not $$$ and it's Italian but right near the Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite restaurants in Paris: Al Caratello. Also take a look at Le Wepler. It's a historic brasserie. You are not going to be transported into flights of modern culinary rapture but it is good.

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25 posts

I did run across Al Caratello while I was researching today - good to have a recommendation here. I’ll check both of them out.
Thank you!