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Restaurant near Mont Saint-Michel

We are staying in Bayeux and will be traveling all day on a Sunday with Mont Saint-Michel as our last stop. We don't want to eat at a touristy location. Any recommendations on restaurants near MSM, but outside of the touristy area?

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1201 posts

Assuming you are driving, you might want to consider a stop in Avranches for dinner. It is a little over an hour from Bayeux, and less than a half-hour from Mont Saint-Michel. There are several places to eat, but I stumbled upon a place called Tartines & Decouvertes. IDK if it is still there, this was pre-pandemic.

Edit to add: Anything "near MSM" is not "outside of the touristy area." but the drive between Avranches and MSM gives you spectacular views of MSM with the classic farm fields in the foreground. Just get off of the N175 and turn onto D75/D275 as soon as you can. i.e., don't keep heading towards Pontorson, but follow the signs for Céaux on D75. On exceptionally clear days, you can actually see MSM in the distance from Avranches proper.

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698 posts

When you say touristy area, there's Mont Saint-Michel and just everything surrounding it is sheep and meadows and countryside for miles and miles. The drive is lovely. Any little towns you encounter between Bayeux and MSM would probably fit the bill. We stayed in Pontorson the night prior to visiting MSM. (We were going MSM to Bayeux) so you may find a few places there, but it's well past MSM. Everything that's not at MSM felt very sleepy and quaint, so I don't think you have to go out of your way to avoid finding a touristy restaurant.