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response to COVID QR pass sanitaire request

I find it interesting that the automatic response makes no mention of use of CDC card while waiting for the pass to come through but indicates you can get a 3 days pass with a test. Imagine that process on a weeks long trip? The response was virtually immediate; I did use two different email accounts for my husband and myself and we each got the automatic response so are at least in the queue

Hope they clear the backlog before we go. Would love to hear stories of people having success getting the pass.

We waited till after the 15th as requested but that appears from what we are seeing to not necessarily have been wise.

They are obviously seriously overwhelmed with requests.

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2699 posts

Applied Tues the 10th. Two people. Two separate emails from the same email address.

PDFs of all documents.

Received a single confirmation email.

Nothing further received as of now.

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921 posts

The whole reason of the subject line including the date you arrive into France would be a sign, to me, at least, that they're prioritizing by date (as is mentioned in the original notice). I applied as well, but with an October date, I haven't received my pass yet and I'm not stressing.

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46 posts

As someone mentioned earlier they are apparently overwhelmed. I think ideally they would like you to have the QR code to make it easier on those checking but I'm here now and CDC card has worked everywhere I've been so far. All the major tourist sites (Louvre, Eiffel) tomorrow we are taking the train to Bordeaux and I suspect it will be the same. My sister and I requested ours on the 10th.. She got hers, I never received mine. She has been using her CDC card as well just to prevent questions about why one of us have it and the other doesn't.

We applied on the 12th for 2ppl, one week later have not received. We are traveling on Sunday Aug. 23...I am a little panicked. I thought they would prioritize travelers with close dates. I did send a follow up email and got a pretty firm response about not sending multiple emails as well as a canned reply with questions and answers. One response is that you can get tested in France and get a 72 hour pass, but would have to retest every 3 days...for a new QR code. At our expense of course. So frustrating. We were just unfortunately traveling soon after the date that they released the application for the Pass Sanitaire. One day tour we signed up for said it was required. So.....waiting. I am hearing that police are doing random checks of establishments to see if the business looked at QR codes. I guess if we don't receive it in time I will try for the covid test/3 day pass. Hoping it goes ok and we get something. I don't want to travel all over and show my vaccination card and get turned away! I don't want to have to find a testing center every 3 days either.

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8703 posts

I read that and while my French is not great, it looks like it has no relevance to Americans but is specifically designed for Europeans.

Posted by
2699 posts

Janet is right - it's not for Americans. I read through all the details - excited at first, but it's clearly not for us.

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3 posts

I applied for mine on 11 August, traveled on 25 August, arrived in France on 26 August, and I have not yet heard a thing (other than the automatic response when I submitted my application). My CDC card was accepted for boarding my connecting flight from Paris to Bordeaux, and I've only had the card refused at one establishment so far, and that was a restaurant. I have been to four pharmacies, and one of those I tried twice. The one I tried twice was the only pharmacy that said they could log my vaccination details into the Pass Sanitaire system, but they unfortunately had no connectivity for two consecutive days, so couldn't help me. Two pharmacies flat out turned me away and the other handed me a piece of paper telling me how to apply online, which of course I have already done. This is a frustrating process, for sure, but at least they have a process. It's just failing a lot of travelers at the moment.

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56 posts

Just arrived in France yesterday (Saturday) with no QR code yet received. So far we’ve not been asked for even our CDC card. Went through customs in Reykjavik with only one question: when do you plan to leave the EU?
After weeks of stressing, so far it all seems so casual.

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727 posts

Diane, you won't need it for entry as it should have been verified at checkin. You may require, however, when attempting to dine or do other activities were the pass sanitaire is required.

Posted by
56 posts

@ Gooster - yes now that we’ve dined out a bit more the CDC card suffices.

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22 posts

Am I understanding this correct that I need to put the address of my lodgings in the application somewhere?? Don't see where to put that on the form.

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24 posts

I just applied, sent all my documents via email. I received an email saying it is now all online. So I did everything online and uploaded all the documents there. We are not going to be there until the 19th, so I’ll keep you posted.