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Hi ! i just got back from northern Europe.. best vacation ever!!! I went to Denmark, Ronne, and Copenhagen. I am black, I would like to know where is the safest place that accepts Black people from the US, that would like to retire abroad?

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33509 posts

do you mean safest in the world, or Scandinavia, or since you posted in the France Forum, in France?

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3398 posts

If you want to retire, then France is one of the easier countries to do this. As long as you have a minimal passive income of around 1500 euros per month, then you can get a long stay visa. A VLS-T visa cannot be renewed. A VLS-TS visa can and that's the one most people use to retire there. You have to promise not to work in ANY capacity. I find France to be a fairly open and accepting society - like most places, the closer you are to a big city, the more diverse the population. As long as you go in with your eyes open regarding the maddeningly slow bureaucracy and know the cultural differences/pitfalls, France can be a fantastic place to retire. We plan to retire there in a couple of years.