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Recommendations of Pastry shops and Chocolate shops to visit in Paris?


Thinking of doing our own Pastry and chocolate tour in Paris as the Pastry and Chocolate tours in Paris is too pricey for us.

  1. Any recommendations for great Pastry and chocolate shops to visit in Paris?
  2. Any great desserts that can't be missed and where are the best places to try them?
  3. Great places to go to for Breakfast especially in Montmartre (we are staying in that area)?
  4. Recommendations of foods not to be missed in Paris for kids with sweet tooths but somewhat picky eaters that do not like anything with seafood or weird looking.
  5. Favorite family friendly restaurants?

Merci Beacoup!

Posted by
244 posts

Check out Paris by Mouth website here . They have excellent suggestions and great tours. They list the shops by neighborhood. We took the Marais tour and loved it. We also considered the Chocolate Tour by Paris Walks here . If you haven't been to Angelina's here you need to go! So wonderful and delicious! I could go on and on. I'm sure you will get a lot of great suggestions! Enjoy💝

Posted by
7144 posts

I seem to remember several good bakeries and patisseries along Rue Lepic and Rue des Abbesses in Montmartre. Don't remember specific names but just take a stroll around and you're sure to find some. Always fun to try several and find your own favorites.

I've never traveled to Paris with kids but I'm sure your kids would love the street foods, especially the crepes in lots of yummy varieties and ready-made sandwiches are popular with kids. Hippopotamus has several locations around Paris, good family restaurants.

Posted by
4684 posts

I would highly recommend Jacques Genin to the north-east of the Marais. Also Richart which is very close to St Germaine-des-Pres church.

Note that most high-quality chocolate shops in Paris aren't especially child friendly, though. Think "seen and not heard".

Posted by
2466 posts

Adults might or might not like what's being put in chocolat, especially if you're used to American chocolates.
Lots of kids might not appreciate the "weird" flavors that are in fashion in chocolat shops now.
Do they appreciate 80% dark chocolat - probably not.
I'd rather play it safe and let them pick out what they think they'd like to eat.

You can go to any supermarket and buy a whole pile of respectable French chocolats for a whole lot less than what you would pay in a shop like Pierre Herme, Patrick Roger or Jacques Genin.
One little square of chocolat at Pierre Herme costs about € 1.50.
There's no sense in spending money if nobody wants to eat what they have chosen.

Go to the nearest cafe for breakfast so you can eat and people-watch.
It's considered rude to buy something from a bakery and eat at the cafe.
Breakfast in Paris is all about bread-y things and coffee, tea, or juice.
Or, if you require eggs and meat, look for a "formule" or "menu petit dejeuner" for a better price.

Hippopotamus is like TGI Friday's - good choice of everything. Don't think there's one in Montmarte, though - but they're all over Paris.
Crepes and Amorino ice cream are good for dessert.

Posted by
5697 posts

The candy aisle at Monoprix has many kid-acceptable choices in the €2 range -- you can also pick up packaged cookies, sodas, bottled water.

Posted by
3941 posts

So many neighbourhood pastry shops - I'd go into them all.

But two that I planned specifically to visit instead of just as a random pop in while walking by...

Angelina - The pastries are a work of art. I saw a photo of one on instagram and instantly added them to my visit list. Alas, the dessert I wanted was a fall/winter dessert (it was a beautiful red rose ), so I went with the Bianca (which is part of the 'spring/summer collection' - just like I was so tempted to get a lemon tart, but the raspberries won me over. It was delish. And they also do afternoon tea and have a restaurant. They are def on my return to list when we get back, if only so I can try the lemon tart.

The other I'll just call de Fred... Light as air little meringue confections. Sweet as all get out, but so good. I actually first went to their shop in NYC, then Paris and this year went to their shop in Brussels.

Posted by
16895 posts

Keep an eye out for caneles/canneles de Bordeaux, an eggy pastry a bit like a tiny popover, but with a burnt sugar crust. And the buttery, layered Koign Amann, also sweetened with dark caramel. Maison George Larnicol has 4 pastry-and-chocolate shops in central Paris where you can choose your own (self-service!) hoard of personal-sized "Koignettes" with different flavors. See their locations on Google Maps, as their web site doesn't work for me. A bread bakery can also be a good place to pick up a quick lunch like a slice of quiche or pizza.

Posted by
47 posts

Merci Beaucoup everyone! Such great and helpful responses. I will take note of all of them. Even more excited about our trip to Paris now. Thank you again.

Posted by
8500 posts

There are many shops with stunning pastries and I haven't noticed that the handful of brand names are superior. YOu can window shop and go into pastry shops with amazing things in the window. When traveling with kids we always made a ritual of this and they chose a treat every afternoon which we took back to apartment or on to a nearby park to eat. The prettiest pastries I have seen in Paris were at a little bakery on Place Verlaine in the 13th and another on the west end of Rue Caulaincourt. i.e. wonderful things pop up all over.

French grocery store cookies are also different than those we have in the US and many of them are very nice and you get a whole pack for the cost of one pastry. The kids can pick those out for picnics.

And they get to learn the truth of the universe i.e. the prettiest things are not always the tastiest things.

One nice restaurant that has a really good grande marnier soufflet that is easily shared by two, or two for a family of 5 is at the restaurant Chez Dumonet, Josephine. Reserve if you go there a few days ahead. They have standard bistrot food that is easy on picky eaters and they are good about sharing. We had an appetizer of pate toasts there with friends and the waiter assured us that one order was plenty for the 4 of us; they encourage sharing the soufflet. Their boeuf bourguignon is their signature dish and you can order a half order. When I eat with my family they always get me to order the full order because everyone wants a spoon full along side their steak frittes, or duck confit etc. Their soufflet was much better than the grande marnier soufflet we recently had at a specialty restaurant that served only soufflets.

Posted by
797 posts

I cannot recommend any specific shops but do echo another reply, visit Monoprix's food floor ( in many Monoprix the food shop is on another floor) and look through the goodies. Some of the best chocolate I have had is actually baking chocolate or meant to make dessert out if it. I think it is Nestle brand, in a large bar meant to be melted into dessert. The caramel chocolate is so delish. The candies and chocolates are so interesting. I like the European Nutella better than the North American, less sugar but still sweet, so delicious. I have heard that the candy brand Haribo is made in France (not sure of this); you should be able to find it in a regular grocery store like Monoprix or Franprix.

I also suggest observing where the longest lines are in bakeries you pass. Join the long line and observe what pastries are purchased by others. The children could pick out 1 or 2 for themselves, then eat it in a nearby park.

There are often crepe vendors selling them from a window in a shop along the street. I cannot eat wheat, but that would be a nice lunch or dessert or snack at any time of day.

I do love the outdoor food markets where there are veggies, fruits, cheese, meat, some cooked food like paella and the rotisserie chickens. I had a great ham cooked in grainy mustard and scalloped like potatoes from the Grenelle market on year; we took our purchases to the nearby Seine, found a bench and chowed down. Such a wonderful memory. Use google to find the open air food markets in Paris; there are many official Paris websites listing them with the days. My faves are the Grenelle at the Motte-Piquet-Grenelle Metro stop; that market runs underneath the metro that goes above ground for a while. 2 days a week (sorry, cannot remember which days). Another favorite is the President Wilson market, near the Iena metro stop; this one is a bit richer but busy with a variety of things to see like handmade soap, fabulous knit scarves, regular scarves, flowers, and food. Buy some cheese from the busiest booth, some bread, purchase a small knife somewhere (Monoprix) and have a great picnic. Add some fruit and veggies, what a great meal. There are so many markets. i am not sure where you are staying; a hotelier can advise. Markets are an inexpensive way to purchase fresh and fabulous food.

I would also recommend going to the grocery store (Monoprix is my favorite) and peruse the yogurt aisle. It is a wonder in itself. I usually purchase some chocolate mousse disguised as yogurt. The selection is unbelievable. I might take 10 minutes to decide just staring at all the choices. Try some different flavours like fig. Fig jam is also a great buy at the grocery store.

I advise finding David Lebovitz online; he is an American chef now living in Paris. He has a great blog/website with many foodie recommendations. He has a way with words. He loves to go to markets so he has a number of blog posts about his finds there. He also reviews some restaurants, with varying price points.

My mouth is watering. Enjoy Paris. SO much food, so many markets.......

Posted by
233 posts

We stay in Montmartre area all the time when we are in Paris. There are great boulangeries there. Le Granier au Pain has great baguette and croissants, having won first place in the annual baguette completion couple times in last 10 years. Along Rue Abbesses, there are several worthy boulangeries and patisseries including Sebastian Gauard (lemon tart), Arnaud Delmontel, Landeramine, and Au Levain d'Antan. Gontran Cherrier is great but less traditional boulangerie. The best hot chocolate is at Jacque Genin in the Marias. Get the pasties (lemon tart, millefeuille). Very expensive chocolates and caramels, but worth it. Buy couple and see if you want more (very expensive). Also, right across the street is 134 RDT, great boulangerie for croissants and baguette. Angelina is over-hyped, crowded and assembly line. Cheap and very good hot chocolate is at Patisserie Viennoise. Another place to consider is Un Dimanche a Paris in St. Germain area. Don't ask about the calorie content though.
Around St. Germaine area, patisseries that are great are Pierre Herme, Sadaharu Aoki, Patisserie des Reves, and Jacque Genin. I have been to all the places recommended several times and can recommend them without reservation.
If you can only do a few, the places not to miss are: Le Granier a Pain, Jacque Genin, Pierre Herme, and 134 RDT.
For chocolates, go to Patrick Roger, Pierre Herme, and Jean Charles Rouchoux. The best hazelnut spread is at Jean Charles Rouchoux, you'll never look at Nutella the same afterwards (be warned). Henri LeRoux has the best caramels, especially their CBS (salted butter caramel).
Finally, don't assume that every boulangerie, patisserie, chocolate shop is good, much less excellent, in Paris. There are mediocre shops everywhere. A crowd out front does not guarantee goodness either. Parisians shop near where they live. They are not going to go out of their way to get a excellent baguette, when a fair one is nearby. Just like you would not assume that every hamburger joint in America is great.
Finally, I agree that kids may not appreciate or enjoy the chocolates, etc. since they may not be use to the much higher percent chocolate versus sugar. Also, most of the high end stuff costs $90-150 per pound. To get good bar chocolate at reasonable price, go the Grand Epicerie and check out all their bar chocolates. Cheaper and fairly tasty.

Posted by
47 posts

Wow David and June, such great recommendations! I am marking them all down. David I am so happy you mentioned Le Granier au Pain! I booked a behind the scenes baguette baking demo with them yesterday, it was recommended by another RS forum poster! i didn't know the bakery was so good, just decided to do it on a whim. All these recommendations from everyone has blown me away. Thank you for your time and generosity! Too excited about Paris now, just to try the foods!!

Posted by
47 posts

@janettravels44: Chez Dumonet, Josepine sounds great. I will look into it, Is it in the Montmartre area, can I reserve online. Thinking out loud..haha. I will research!

Posted by
287 posts

Angelina (multiple locations) for hot chocolate that is to DIE for. Also delicious desserts.

Maison due Chocolat for candy and truffles. They have their own shops plus their boxed treats are sold at Galeries de Lafayette and other locations.

Posted by
233 posts

Chez Dumonet is in the left bank, south of St. Germain. We have been there for dinner three times, great classic French, moderate price, friendly staff. Not sure you can book online. Have tried steak tartare, pigeon millefeulle, beef Bourgoigone, and duck confit. Sorry for misspellings. All were terrific and good portions. Fore gras was also great appetizer. Must have the Grand Manier soufflé, but need to order at start of the meal. Don't feel offended if they put you in the back near the kitchen door. We actually like it back there, quieter and you can see the cooks at work. Most of the American tourists book the earlier reservation times, French eat later in the evening.

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1114 posts

Blé Sucré

We walked what felt like 100 miles to this place so my husband could have what David Lebovitz said was the best croissant in Paris. I can't eat them, but it did look divine, with flaky, buttery bits dropping greasy spots onto his clothes as he ate the massive thing.

Posted by
2466 posts

Do you really think your kids will appreciate foie gras, boeuf tartare (basically raw, chopped hamburger) ???
Boeuf bourguignon is beef stew, so they might go for that. Otherwise, they can have a nice, bloody steak with frites.
The soufflé au Grand Marnier is served with a full liqueur glass which is to be poured into the souffle...and which might keep them quiet for awhile.
I find Chez Dumonet's prices too rich for my blood. You'll have to have the hotel desk staff reserve for you.

In Montmartre, ask directions for Le Grand 8. Nothing weird, low prices.

Posted by
47 posts

@chexbres - ummmm actually you are right, my kids probably won't not eat the food at Chez Dumont, too "weird" for them as they say. The Grand Mariner sounds great but I don't think my kids will do well with the alcohol. haha. Thank you for the suggestions! I will look into Le Grand 8.
Merci Beacoup!

Posted by
2466 posts

Yin - it's also called "The Grand Pan" - goes by both names.
The hotel will give you directions.

Posted by
8500 posts

If the kids eat roast chicken -- the roast chicken and the duck confit will not seem weird. And the steaks in France for steak frittes are so thin that they are rarely 'bloody' -- it is another not even slightly weird food. But there will be McDonalds all over Paris and Quick, the French version if you don't want to spend a lot of money on kids who only eat chicken nuggets. Hippopotamus is a chain that caters to families with kids who are not adventurous eaters.

Posted by
5 posts

A. LA croix pâtisserie and chocolatier, just across the street /river from Notre Dame and near the Shakespeare bookstore, has beautiful chocolate creations and lots of simpler pieces. Coffee and pastries, too.

Posted by
2030 posts

I highly recommend Carette tea room for hot chocolate, pastries, lunch. There are a few of them around Paris including, Place des Vosges, Trocadero and Place du Tetre in Montmartre.

Posted by
3 posts

Maison Guinon Versailles, 60 Rue de la Paroisse, Versailles, Is actually a boulangerie but has very good pastries and sandwiches. Highly recommended by someone who knows his way around a bakery.

Posted by
1363 posts

If you run into one of the Maison Meert in Paris, stop in! They're a famous patisserie from Lille and their Gaufres fourrées à la vanille façon Meert . They're nothing like a waffle Americans are used to. I fell in love.

Posted by
15777 posts

What I learned from Iris on the Paris Walks Chocolate Tour: [1] the best pralines come from Belgium, the best milk chocolate from Switzerland, but the very very best chocolate is the French dark chocolate. . . which most kids (and many adults) don't appreciate. [2] really good chocolate needs to be eaten slowly, the way you'd sip a fine wine, not gulped down, like most kids (and adults) do. It's still fun to go into the shops and see all the creations. There are some specialty shops in the streets "behind" the Tuileries, and a goodly number on the Left Bank too. On my last Parisian jaunt I put together my own "Rive Gauche chocolate crawl" and much as I love the chocolate, I preferred the macarons. My favorites were from Pierre Marcolini (there's a shop near the Opera) and only €1.50 each.

For the kids, crepes and ice cream. People used to flock to Ile St. Louis and stand in line for Berthillon Glacier - last time I was in Paris, I saw it being sold all over the city. The cheap pastries at the local bakery shops were always fresh and yummy. Get the kids pain au chocolat (basically a chocolate filled croissant). You can also pick up sandwiches for lunch. Avoid the shops in the metro - more expensive, often not as fresh.

Posted by
7070 posts

Was there and did our own chocolate tour in 2015. I plotted the best chocolate shops (not certain how they selected as the best) on a map and when we were in that part of town we stopped in. We managed to get to all of them on the list with the exception of one that was always closed when we stopped by.
1. Patrick Roger
Address: 108, blvd. St. Germain
Metro: St.-Germain-des-Près
Tel.: +33 (0)1 43 29 38 42
2. La Maison du Chocolat
Address: 225, rue du Faubourg St. Honoré
Metro: Place des Termes
Tel.: +33 (0)1 42 27 39 44
3. Michel Chaudun
Address: 149 Rue de l'Université
Metro: Invalides
Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 53 74 40
4. Christian Constant
Address: 37 rue Assas
Metro: St. Placide or Rennes
Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 63 15 15
5. Josephine Vannier
Address: 4, rue du Pas de la Mule
Metro: Bastille
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 54 03 09
6. Jean-Paul Hevin
Address: 231 Rue Saint Honoré
Metro: Tuileries or Pyramides
Tel.: +33 (0)1 55 35 35 96
7. Michel Cluizel
Address: 201, Rue St. Honoré
Metro: Tuileries
Tel.: +33 (0)1 42 44 11 66
8. Pierre Hermé
Address: 72 Rue Bonaparte
Metro: St.-Germain-des-Près
Tel.: +33 (0)1 43 54 47 77
9. Jean Charles Rochoux Chocolatier
16 Rue D Assas, 75006 Paris, France