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Reasonable hotel near CDG airport with free shuttle bus?

We have an early morning flight out of CDG airport later this month, and are looking for a reasonable hotel near there with a free shuttle service to the airport. We've seen some whopping prices online (400 Euros!).

Can anyone with recent experience recommend one? Most similar threads on this forum are years old.



Posted by
8293 posts

"Most similar threads on this forum are years old." Not true. There was one a month or two ago and the Ibis right at the airport was recommended by several people, including me. You say "reasonable hotel" and I don't know what that means, really, but the Ibis will fill the bill, I think.

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1078 posts

I like to spend my last night in Paris at the CDG Sheraton because it is in the airport and you don't have to get up so early to catch the metro or a taxi to get to the airport. In fact the gates are about 100 ft from the hotel entrance. Is it cheap? probably not but the convience factor is huge and your only staying one night.

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6552 posts

The Ibis is right in the airport, a few minutes by shuttle to the terminals, under 100 euros. Not fancy but clean and comfortable. There are other in-airport hotels too, most if not all more expensive, but equally convenient. Staying in the nearby town of Roissy would generally be cheaper, but require a hotel-operated shuttle into the airport. We were happy with the Ibis.

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3580 posts

I stayed at CitizenM hotel this May. It is a few minutes walk to Terminal 3 and the airport shuttle (tram) system. I traveled from my hotel to Terminal 1 in about 15 minutes.