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Rain in Paris in May

I'll be in Paris next week.. first time in the spring for me! I heard that rain is common in the month of May. Please comment on the type of rain expected... e.g. drizzle, shower, thunder storm..etc. Just want to make sure I bring adequate rain gear to enjoy the city in the spring.

Last trip I took was in September.. it didn't just rain.. it was at times sudden/heavy showers and I remember getting soaked even with jacket and umbrella...

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784 posts

I'm in Paris now and it was in the low 80s today -- actually pretty warm. We had some rain when we arrived last Wednesday, but it was mostly just a drizzle. You must have been in Paris the same time as I in September 2013 because that was my experience as well. I live in Seattle, so I have a pretty high tolerance for rain. I have no idea what the weather will be next week, but I suggest you bring a light raincoat or jacket and an umbrella. Best to be prepared - it's good insurance, so maybe you won't need it. Bon voyage.

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44 posts

As an adjunct to this question, does it rain in Paris in June/early July? I want to know whether or not to pack a light raincoat with a hood. Like the Wicked Witch of the West, I hate getting wet!

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73 posts


Yes, I was in Paris in Sep 2013. That was unfortunately not a good trip for me. I was not prepared for the cold and wet weather. I brought clothing I thought was appropriate for the fall and had to buy a light down puffer jacket to get through the cold and rainy weather. "Fall in Paris is colder than the coldest winter in California" unfortunately summed up my 2013 trip.

With the previous experience with the weather in Paris, I just want to make sure I'll be comfortable enough to enjoy the city this time.

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10344 posts

Been here a week. 3 days where there was significant rain, 4 days of no rain.
You need to have a good travel umbrella or other rain gear in May, or. It will decrease the quality of your experience.
the rain was not solid all day, more like rain for the afternoon hours or morning hrs, for several hrs at a time.
Do museums while it rains.

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8411 posts

We have spent considerably time in Paris in May - used to go every year then. The range is enormous. Last time we did this, I thought we would freeze. It rained every day and was cold. On previous visits it was showery but mostly sunny and pleasant. Light rain gear is a must for May and September; it tends to shower off and on rather than pour all day -- we have had a few of those, but mostly it seems to pour at night and just shower now and then during the day, so that an umbrella does the trick (they pop up for sale all over when it rains)

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11507 posts

No one can tell you with any sure accuracy the type of rain you will have.. you will be lucky if you know the day before if you listen to local weather ( and understand French).

I have been in Paris in every month from May thru October.. it has rained in every month.. sometimes heavy.. sometimes light drizzle. .and then within 1/2 hour it can clear up( this is especially true of summer showers.. one time in August the rain was so hard it practically bounced off the sidewalk and hit you in the face,,lol..

I have roasted in May.. been cold in July.. it happens.. I have hit heat waves.. and cold waves.. its really weird weather in Paris..

Take a light rain jacket no matter which month you go. Take a sweater or similar to layer underneath. I bring two pairs of shoes.. plus sandals for summer.. if its wet I can alternate dry and wet shoes.
I always bring a small umbrella.. I hate hats .

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870 posts

I usually travel with a rain/wind jacket and an umbrella. We usually hike on our trips as well, so I have rain pants, but I can not remember using them in a city. I also travel with a light fleece jacket, which I could use on a drizzly day and stay warm and dry, esp. with an umbrella. You can always buy something more if the weather is really horrid, but for most days, a rain jacket and umbrella, and doing mainly indoor things, ought to be sufficient.

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15760 posts

I knew this question had to be from someplace like California. Yes, it rains in the northern hemisphere - Chicago, New York, London, Paris . . . It can be 60 and pouring, it can be 90 and steamy. Maybe not on the same day, but on consecutive days, it happens. Drizzles and downpours happen. I use a good rain poncho - keeps most of me and my backpack dry and it's less bulky and weighs less than an umbrella. You can get good ones at R.E.I. or on Amazon. Or just wait and hope, if it rains there will be myriad places to buy an umbrella or a cheap poncho. The important thing is to have a pair of shoes you can wear in the rain.

edit: cheap poncho - I mean cheap quality. After 2.5 weeks in Paris last month. . . there's nothing cheap in Paris! But oooh, it's beautiful.

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8411 posts

I always travel with a rain jacket with hood that serves as a windbreaker and will also allow a polartek or sweater underneath and I have used it many times -- heck we nearly froze in Spain in May and I was lucky that my silk long johns were still in the luggage as well as the windbreaker and sweater.

In every month but June July August I also always have silk long johns which can layer under anything but take no space in the luggage. They turn jeans or linen pants into warm enough on a cold day.

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10344 posts

Chaini's post is right on, you should read it twice, she was just here and I've been here for a week.

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15760 posts

Kent, I am extremely jealous of you. Is it still as beautiful as I left it for you?

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10344 posts

Yes, Paris is perfect and as you left it a few days ago.