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Question for Paris and HOF alums

I'm not sure if the answer to this question will be different than it was pre-covid, but I'm going to give it a try. Does anyone who has been on the Paris and HOF tour recall if they used the Metro with the group during the first few days in Paris? And if so, what sort of tickets did the guides hand out? I seem to recall on other tours I have done (not in Paris) that when we used public transport there were times the guide handed out day passes to the group. But maybe in Paris it's just the single ride tickets?

I'm arriving a day before the tour and trying to decide what type of ticket(s) I should buy. I plan to use the Metro one day on my own, plus the afternoons/evenings that we have free in Paris during the tour. I'm traveling with my mother so I'm trying to decide if we should do individual tickets (or the 10 ticket pack) or if we need some type of pass. We're big walkers so I'm sure some of the time we'll want to do that, but I know for long distances we'll probably want to use the Metro. I'd just hate to get there and buy a pass only to find out that the tour includes day passes for the days we're with the group.

Any HOF alums have advice on what you did for Metro tickets if you had extra time in Paris before the tour? Thanks!

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51 posts

In 2018, for the Paris tour, we all had a Navigo pass and had to bring a small passport sized photo to attach to the pass. For the extra days when we arrived early, we used point-to-point tickets or walked.

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1026 posts

We did this tour in May 2019. Our guide gave all tour members about 10-15 (can’t remember exact amount) tickets.

There is one tour member now . Maybe she will report kim

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312 posts

We did this tour in May, 2017 (wow, it’s hard to believe it’s been almost 5 years!). Each couple on the tour was given a carnet and then, as a group, we rode the Metro and RER as an orientation to Paris. However, since we didn’t know we were getting a carnet from our guide, we bought one before the tour started (we arrived 2 days prior to the tour). We came back with 6 tickets and, since they don’t expire, it becomes a good excuse to visit Paris again!

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2755 posts

The booklets of 10 tickets t+ are no longer officially sold. There may be some stations or ticket outlets still selling them, but for how long is anyone's guess. Individual paper tickets t+ remain available at 1.90€.

As the paper ticket t+ never expires, anyone with a few remaining should take them and use them. Officially, the t+ is now sold as an electronic ticket, loaded onto a Navigo Easy card (2€). The Easy may hold up to 30 electronic tickets, they are priced at 14.90€ per group of 10. The Easy card is transferrable, but may only be used by one person at a time.

Someone visiting Paris for just a few days can likely meet their public transportation requirement by purchasing an Easy card and loading it with 10 tickets t+ for 16.60€.

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39 posts

We recently returned from that tour and the guide gave us each 8 tickets I think. We went on a group metro trip 2 mornings and then we had extra tickets to use as we wished. Hope this helps!

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134 posts

Thank you all! This is exactly the information I was hoping to learn. It sounds like the tour days will be taken care of, so I think my best bet will be to just buy a few individual tickets as needed for the day we're on our own and then if we need an extra here or there on the tour days.

I do love the idea of extra tickets being an excuse to visit Paris again. It will be both of our first time there, but hopefully not the last! Thanks again everyone.