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Question about Musée d'Orsay tickets last week of March

We plan to be in Paris Tuesday, March 26 through Friday, March 29. We have been there before and have seen the major sites, so we don't need to try to see everything, but we would like to return to the Orsay to see the special exhibit on Impressionism that starts on March 26. Since it will be the week before Easter, we expect it will be crowded. Tickets reservations are available for entry from 9:30 to 4:00 on Wednesday and Friday and 9:30 to 5:30 on Thursday.

Please let me know if you have any recommendations on whether it's better to go first thing in the morning, late in the afternoon, or Thursday evening.

Thank you.

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6522 posts

In general, I like to go into big museums as soon as they open, when that's possible. They are probably less crowded than later, and if you're looking for specific items you can go straight to them with a better chance of fewer people where they are, then use your remaining time to see other things. That strategy only works if you can double back rather than following a prescribed direction, which some museums require. I'd also suggest that you avoid the opening day, March 26, when it's most likely to be most crowded; maybe Friday is your best morning if you can do that. Sometimes museums are less crowded in the evenings, but a 5:30 closing isn't really in the evening, and again this is a newly opened special exhibit. So you'll have a crowd, but maybe you can avoid the worst by going in as early as possible on the last day possible for you.

Another reason to go early is that you'll have more energy in the morning for whatever you encounter. I try to visit my top-priority sights early in the day and save the lesser attractions for later, in case I'm too tired. Having a timed-entry slot in midday or afternoon can pressure you to rush through the morning and perhaps miss something you'll wish you'd had time for.

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2745 posts

I am going the week after... and I am going the first thing in the morning!

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3702 posts

First thing in the morning.

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9593 posts

First thing in the morning to have ANY chance at a decent view. You will be shocked at how crowded the exhibit gets even with them limiting the number of people who can go at any one time.

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10201 posts

Doesn't someone need a timed exhibit ticket or is it automatically included in the museum ticket ?

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2745 posts


This exhibit is not included in the general museum admission. I would assume there are some walk up tickets available but that might require a long line which is why I always book ahead.

Posted by
8063 posts

are you sure that the special exhibit is not included in general admission? Every other exhibit we have visited at the Orsay is including the recent Van Gogh.

Posted by
672 posts

Hi Janet,

It is included in the price--it's just that they recommend a timed reservation for the special exhibit, and since we want to enter first thing when they open, I went ahead and purchased in advance since I don't know when/whether they will sell out of certain times.

Posted by
41 posts

FWIW This exhibit will be traveling to Washington DC after Paris since it’s a tied to the National Gallery.