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Purchase TGV -ouigo tickets?

Obviously the health and safety of residents and tourists in France are of the utmost concern as les gilet jaunes demonstrations continue. My wife and I will be visiting France for the first time in late April and May, and we are excited about it. Before our RS tour begins in Paris, we plan to spend a few days driving around Provence. The idea is to take the TGV from CDG to Avignon and to return to Paris (via TGV to Gare de Lyon) before the group tour begins. It looks like some of these tickets are beginning to sell out. We would like your opinion on whether it makes sense to purchase these train tickets now amidst this turbulent environment. I would like to think that it will calm down by spring time, but we would value any advice. Merci.

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33339 posts

jim, where are you seeing that these trains are selling out?

are you looking on Easter weekend?

Posted by
20 posts

Nigel, No. It is actually for the Thursday 25 April and Sunday 28 April. It does not say they are selling out, but on the return trip to Gare de Lyon, it indicates only 10 left on an evening trip on a Sunday. I figure people need to get back to the city at the end of a weekend. Thank you. -Jim

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20 posts

That is what it said last night for an evening trip Avignon to Gare de Lyon on

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2716 posts

I think for that part of the journey you are pretty safe buying the tickets. On the outbound (CDG to Avignon) I’d be concerned about a flight delay, hold up at immigration that could cause you to miss your train. As for civil unrest, welcome to France. At least half my visits have encountered strikes, sudden work stoppages, demonstrations of some sort. I have no crystal ball as to the outcome of the latest manning of the barricades.

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8075 posts

I would snag those CDG to Avignon Ouigo tickets at 16 euros today. That is low risk

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20 posts

Alan, Thank you. We were allowing more than 2 1/2 hours to get from Terminal 2A through customs to the TGV terminal. But I guess anything can happen in the way of delays. Would you just wait and get the tickets at the station?

Posted by
2716 posts

The station is under terminal 2 so theoretically you can walk it in 10-15 minutes. The issues you could face are: flight delays, hold up at immigration, having to retrieve a bag you’ve checked. The only one you can manage is the bag so pack light, carry on, don’t check a bag (you’re going on a RS tour so might as well start off right!). If the advance train tickets are a lot cheaper, I’d buy them, take a shot. If you miss the train, throw them away buy the next train, don’t look back.

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4066 posts

Advance tickets on the fast trains are always cheapest when they first go on sale and get progressively more expensive, as much as three times more if bought the day of travel. Tickets include seat reservation. Some routes offer flexible tickets so you can take a later train. But they are more expensive and probably will require lining up so an agent can adjust the reservation. Those line-ups can be long.

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139 posts

How far in advance do tickets go on sale? I looked for a trip we are taking on June 2 and tickets were not yet available.

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144 posts

Approximately 90-120 days is the usual lead time for full availability of SNCF train tickets online.

The reduced price tickets for OP's journey have not yet been posted.

Try here for TGV:

Happy travels.

Posted by
20 posts


I am confused. I have a valid OUIGO reservation from CDG 2 to Avignon TGV that says Train No 7835. The duration of the trip is about 3 hours. Are you saying I have a bus ticket? Please clarify.

Thank you.


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8889 posts

OUIGO is SNCF's cut price train service. It is not a bus. It however offers an inferior service compared with normal TGV's
It sometimes users slower routes instead of the high speed lines, it charges for luggage etc. See here:

Posted by
144 posts

A thousand pardons, Jim...I was confusing Ouigo with Ouibus.

Thanks for the correction, Chris F.