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Public transportation between Paris - Mont Saint Michel

What is the best train/bus route to take from Paris to Mont Saint Michel? We looked at the route Rick Steves suggests - Train from Paris to Rennes and then bus to Mont Saint Michel....does this bus take you to Pontorson or Avranches? We can't access the bus website listed in Rick Steves book -
We also found a train from Paris-Rennes with connection Rennes-Pontorson, but it looks like you have to change to a different train station in Rennes which I think would be cumbersome.
We also found a train from Paris-Villedieu-les-Poeles which connects to a train to Pontorson.
Thanks for your feedback:)

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4412 posts

When I did this long, long ago the easiest thing was train and taxi.

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6897 posts

In summer there is indeed a direct train from Paris-Montparnasse-Vaugirard to Pontorson, with a timed connection for the bus shuttle to Mont Saint Michel. It's not the fastest option (via Rennes is a bit faster) but it is the cheapest and the most convenient.
This train is a recent development, so won't appear on some guidebooks.
Out of summer, the train goes to Villedieu les Poêles, and connects to a longer bus ride, but total travel time is unchanged.

Beware that trains to Pontorson or Villedieu-l-P leave from Montparnasse-Vaugirard station, which is a 10-min walk away from the main platforms at Montparnasse.

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136 posts

is the link for the bus from Rennes to Mont St Michel. The bus takes you very close to the station for the shuttle across the causeway. They do not take reservations, but we were the only ones on the after lunch bus on a June Monday. I suspect the first bus there and last bus back are busier.

Not sure if this link was already shared to the Normandy tourism website: