Traveling to France in August. We will spend a few days in Paris before taking the train to Nimes, where we will then rent a car and spend a week in Provence. Before heading home we would like to visit Annecy and Chamonix.
What would you suggest as the best means to travel from Provence to Annecy. A. drive or B. Take the train.
We have no issue with driving we actually love it because it does give us the freedom to stop when we want and side trips that ewer not expected and we can leave when we please. However if you don't feel we need to car and it is a waste of money and inconvient that is another thing.
Would you suggest an overnight in Lyon?
How many days would you spend in Annecy and Chamonix. ?
Best way to get back to Paris our flight in on Saturday night at 6;30p.m. We can leave from wither Chamonix or Annecy. Would you fly or take the train. Does the train go directly to airport or into Paris?
Thank you in advance. Everyones help has been so valuable !