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Prettiest / Interesting Best Walk from Eiffel Tower back to La Marias

I'm trying to figure out a way to see the Arc de Triomphe and/or Eiffel Tower and then get back to our hotel in La Marais for an afternoon nap....before heading to Montmartre for Dinner reservations at 7:15 and to see Moulin Rouge.I plan to take the metro in the morning to Arc de Triomphe and walk back on the Left or Right Bank. Or should I just forget the afternoon map. I feel like I am back tracking and a little confused. Plus, we are there the first week in July with Olympics Preperation in full force.
La Marais Hotel
Arc de Triomphe / Eiffal Tower
Walk back and just 'be' in Paris
Back to La Marais Hotel
Up to Montmartre

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7268 posts

Eiffel Tower - rue Saint Dominique - Invalides - rue de Grenelle - Saint Sulpice - Odéon - Notre Dame /square Viviani - Île Saint Louis - rue des Barres would be a nice walking route back to the Marais.

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5149 posts

I love my naps. But when I'm in Paris they can wait until I return home. On the other hand, if you think you will need a nap to due to being tired, then you might want to consider taking a boat back to the area of your hotel. Almost as scenic as a walk, but not as tireing. We once tried to walk from the Eiffel Tower back to Notre Dame, but only made it half way before opting for a pedi-cab. It's farther than it looks on the map.

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5330 posts

So, Arc de Triomphe to the Eiffel Tower, along the Right Bank to the Marais looks to be about 8 km. If you took a metro to the start point right after breakfast, you should have ample time for an afternoon nap.

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82 posts

We just returned from Paris and stayed in Le Marais. The walk back from the Eiffel Tower is great. You can pass by the Hotel des Invalides where Napoleon's tomb is located. Over to the Seine and walk by/to the Musee d' Orsay or cut across the bridge to the Louvre. If you keep going on the Orsay side I usually walk up to Shakespeare and Company book store and then cut across to Notre Dame and back into the Marais district that way. It's a long walk but lots of rewards along the way. Enjoy!

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118 posts

Can someone please post some Le Marias Hotel recommendations for a senior citizen couple? Budget around 300 euros/night.

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5330 posts

@taurus0515, please start your own thread, since it is a different subject.