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PMP reserving time slot

Has anyone been able to reserve a time slot for Pompidou or Orsay using their PMP? I can't seem to find a way to do it. If I show up at these museums, is there a special shorter line? Will it make a difference that I haven't reserved a slot?

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From the Orsay website: "Holders of a Paris Museum Pass or of a ticket purchased from a third-party vendor do not need a time slot reservation." I believe the same is true of Centre Pompidou, but I haven't confirmed that.

My pass has (which I purchased on line) has a list of the sites it covers. Only a few require reservations, With the rest, you can simply walk in with the PMP.

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2 posts

Yes, paris Museum Pass. Sorry. I realize I don’t require a time slot, but if I want to make one, has anyone found a way to do it? If I don’t have a slot but do have a pass, do I still end up in the long lines? Thanks! ( First post. Still learning.)

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10234 posts

Before the pandemic there were separate lines for both museums for ticket holders or members. Door C at the Orsay and a line to the left at the Pompidou.