We will be going to palace of Versaillles on May 14th. We plan to leave by 9:00 a.m from our closest station Ecole Militiare.(11:00 am tickets)
Google maps shows multiple options taking the C RER from Invalides or La Motte stations.
But the RATP app that I installed on my phone says C is suspended(I used the same date 5/14 and time 9:00).
I cannot be flexible with the dates. I am thinking I should trust the RATP app and not google. I so badly like the options google is giving because of the RER C .
I felt it was so easy taking the C RER, RATP shows so many other options and I am very confused with their itinerary.
RATP shows the following route.
Ecole miltiare 8 to Lamotte 10, 13 Duroc, N gare Montparnasse.
So I have to walk 15 min from 13 Duroc to N train? Do I get out of Duroc metro and walk to N train?
And from N train I have to walk 15 min to Versailles Rive gauche?
Do I need to buy a Zone 4 ticket or will my standard Navigo easy pass work for this route?
Please please help, I am so disappointed i have to take such a round about route now.