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Places to stay in Strassborg

Any suggestions for places to stay in Strasbourg? We're leaving Prague on Monday, 4/12/17 and would like to make reservations before we leave.

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7321 posts

This newsboard is not very suitable for instant replies. Because it's mostly (but not all) American, we usually use the American date standard-I only mention that because your post caused me a double-take, since my browser displays a post date for you of 12/02/17. It was over 20 years ago, but we enjoyed the Hotel du Dragon. Our lovely (renovated) attic room may have required some stairs from the last elevator stop.

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27142 posts will show you which hotels it has availability for (some other hotels might have openings if contacted directly), and I find the reviews very useful in identifying places with things that are issues for some travelers: extremely small rooms, minute showers, noisy environments, unreliable Wi-Fi, no elevator, etc.

I've used nearly 100 times with no issues, but you can use the website just to identify a place to stay then try to book directly if you want to. Sometimes that gets you more choices of room type (or smaller rooms at lower rates) or something like a free breakfast.

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9593 posts

Hope you find someplace that you like (in your budget and meeting your requirements), as Strasbourg will be packed with visitors to the Christmas markets!!