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Phones in France

Someone has surely asked this question somewhere farther down but I haven't found it yet. What is the best way to call back to the U.S. I have AT&T service. Buy some sort of short term phone in France? Buy a short term plan from AT&T before I leave the U.S.?

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2602 posts

I just bought a $60 Passport Silver plan from ATT for my 2 week trip, includes 300 MB of data with overage at .20 per MB, unlimited texting and calls to US at .50 minute. They have other options depending on your needs. I plan to use free Wi-Fi in room and when on the go, but a bit of data is good to have in case you need it when not near Wi-Fi. I have elderly parents so calling every couple of days is a must.

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32788 posts

Keep your money in your bank account.

Invest a few cents in Skype calls using the wifi available in most hotels (free in almost all hotels except large American hotel chains like Hilton or Marriott) or in many other places.

In fact, if the other person also has Skype on their device the call can be completely free.

Or use whatsapp, also free between 2 devices with the app, or google hangouts, or iPhone or Mac video iMessage.

Posted by
53 posts

2 thoughts

  1. Bandwidth of WiFi from most places ain't so great, you'll get choppy or inconsistent calls, If you are doing business, stick with a major carrier. If it's just social calling, wifi should be ok for the most part.
  2. I had at&t the last time and forgot to cancel it when i got back,, that cost me a bundle.. so make yourself a note to cancel if you add the service.
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2602 posts

ATT's Passport services are good for a month and automatically end, no more having to cancel on your own. I set it up online and can cancel or change up to 1 day before it's set to start.

Posted by
44 posts

Thank you all for your replies! I've got something to go on now .