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Peak and nonpeak hours on TER trains

Help! We are using Trainline to buy train tix in France. The site identifies us by birthdate so automatically assigns us senior fares. However, I just read that senior fares are only good during non-peak hours. (1) What are the non-peak hours on TER, OUIGO, AVE, and IC (Inter-Cités)? (2) If we have senior tickets and end up on a peak hours train, what happens? (3) One trip we booked starts around 2 pm on OUIGO Grande Vitesse, which surely seems off-peak. But the second leg of that reservation, on TER, leaves at 6:11 pm, which sounds like peak. Yet it’s all on one reservation. Can folks help? We are confused and worried. Thank you so much.

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27644 posts

It's very difficult to find that information online unless you Google exactly the right term.

There are quite a few days each year when the times vary considerably, so there isn't a simple answer to your question. It's important to be sure you find the calendar for the current year.

I haven't found a postable link, but if you Google SNCF calendrier voyageurs 2024, you should get a link to the current .pdf.

In the past the times have been posted on ticket-vending machines, but the decals are tiny, and by this point in the year, they tend to be barely legible.

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2199 posts

Peak hours at SNCF are called "White Periods", the others are "Blue Periods"
see below a typical week example with peak hours in white and others in blue:

On page 2 you will find the other specific periods of peak hours.

Lots of exceptions are also mentioned (in French) , so basically, it's impossible to establish a general rule.

If you want to be sure to pay the real amount and not have the surprise of a surcharge (or even fine) at the last moment buy your tickets directly from the SNCF website

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2660 posts

The senior pricing on TER and some Inter Cités trains is for specific departures (blue/white periods).

Senior pricing on Ouigo or any of the TGVs requires you purchasing and carrying a Carte Avantage Senior (49€, valid one year).

Just be clear about what you are purchasing as "senior pricing" can be confusing.