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PCR or Antigen Test Required to Enter France?

Please forgive me for any ignorance on the subject, but I thought I had read that you had to have a PCR test to enter France, but according to it sounds like PCR or antigen test is allowed for tourists from the US, with either needing to be within 48 hours of departure. Has anyone had any experience with this that can clarify whether my wife and I need a PCR (harder to get within 48 hours or an antigen (easy to get in 48 hours) to enter France from the US? Thanks for your help!

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2790 posts

That's a good question because the original order stated that only Antigen tests checking the N protein were acceptable. I have talked with a few people who have recently traveled to France from the USA and their impression was that any Antigen test was acceptable or that no one checked the details of any Antigen test.

The rapid PCR tests are now much easier to find, and the results seem to be available within 24 hours. For now, I would either get the PCR test or qualifying Antigen test.

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5067 posts

I flew out from DFW with an antigen test on Dec. 3, about the time the new testing requirement was finalized. While I can’t say exactly what the counter agent read on my negative test result, she did check it carefully (and it stated that it tested for the N variable). She also checked my CDC card. Both documents were checked upon arrival, as well. I already had my Pass Sanitaire but my friends did not - I think the pharmacy may have looked at the negative test along with passport and CDC card but am not 100% sure. So the antigen test worked for all of us.

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2790 posts

If your antigen test included the N protein, there is no question of its being accepted. What is not clear, at least I have not read any guidance, is if the antigen test does not specifically check N protein because apparently not all do.