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Pass Sanitaire at CDG

We (two adults and four teenage grandkids) will be arriving at CDG March 13th, a Sunday, and traveling immediately to Normandy. I understand once outside of Paris, it is harder to find a location to get the Pass Sanitaire, especially on a Sunday. Is there a place in CDG airport to get the Pass?

Posted by
15187 posts

There are several pharmacies at CDG. They will be on the Departure level of your terminal, so after you pass through immigration, collect your bags, pass through customs and are out in the public part of the terminal look for the elevator to take you upstairs. Then look for the green neon cross.

Posted by
2796 posts

To have QR codes issued from your CDC cards, the cost is 36€ each person, an amount set by the state. You must have the booster shot to qualify for the pass vaccinal.

There are 3 pharmacies at CDG, open 7 days a week, which can issue the QR codes. There is absolutely no way to know how long the lines may or many not be for a date weeks in advance. You may pay with a credit card.

Posted by
12 posts

When we were at CDG in December only the pharmacy in Terminal 2F offered the #TousAntiCovid. They entered our info from our vaccines cards, we paid the fee, and we were good to go. We had already downloaded the app. We had six persons in our group and not all got the app (didn't want to spend the money and were going to see if it was an issue) and they had no problem just showing their vaccine card - even traveling outside Paris. Maybe now the pharmacies in Terminal 2 and Terminal 2E offer #TousAntiCovid.

Posted by
10516 posts

For clarification, you don't have to have TousAntiCovid to get a health pass (now vaccination pass). You could just walk around with the PDF the pharmacy gives you without ever uploading it to the app.

Posted by
2796 posts

For further clarification, downloading the TousAntiCovid app costs you nothing. The pdf form given to you by the pharmacist contains QR codes which are all you must have for a valid pass vaccinal but scanning the QR codes into the app makes any required pass authentication much easier.

Posted by
4128 posts

You must have the booster shot to qualify for the pass vaccinal.

Not completely true. True if you received the final dose of your 2-dose series more than 7 months (4 MONTHS BEGINNING 2/15) prior to arrival in France. If you are still within 7 months (4 MONTHS BEGINNING 2/15), you don't have to be boostered to get the pass vaccinal (per the first French government website listed below), but your pass vaccinal will "go dead" at the 7 month mark (4 MONTHS BEGINNING 2/15).

The best description of how to obtain the pass vaccinal I have seen on an "official" French website comes from France's Public Health Information Service:

Current entry requirements for France (as opposed to pass vaccinal requirements) by country color code which affirms "[t]he vaccination schedule is deemed complete... 7 days after receiving a second dose of other vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (Pfizer/Comirnaty, Moderna, AstraZeneca/Vaxzevria/Covishield)":


Posted by
4128 posts

My point: If you're taking a 19 yo to France in April who got a late jump on getting vaccinated and just got dose #2 of the Pfizer vaccine (like I am), he can get a pass vacinal. At least according to today's rules -- who knows what tomorrow's rules will be.

Posted by
10516 posts

True if you received the final dose of your 2-dose series more than 7 months prior to arrival in France. If you are still within 7 months, you don't have to be boostered to get the pass vaccinal (per the first French government website listed below), but your pass vaccinal will "go dead" at the 7 month mark.

However, be advised that this becomes four months as of February 15.

Posted by
4128 posts

Thanks for the addition, Kim. It would be nice if France would put all this info in one place.

Posted by
6 posts

Does the new four month limit apply to the booster, or just the original vaccine? I am planning on traveling to Paris in April and received my booster in November.

Posted by
4128 posts


  1. Welcome to the forum

  2. There is no mention of anything after the third dose. To my knowledge, a 4th dose has not been approved in any country at this point, so the third dose appears to be the last dose for now. Once again, who knows about tomorrow.

Posted by
2 posts

Hello- please excuse what may be a simple question. But I have not travelled internationally since Covid.... we are going to Paris in May (I know- plenty can change) but if we are staying just in Paris, do we need this Pass? We both have the CDC card we get here in the US, we both have 2 vaccines plus a booster. I am very confused on if I need this and how I go about getting it. I went on the Minister of interior websites and it did not seem to help..... Thanks in advance!

Posted by
10516 posts

The four months apply, as stated in Dave's post but replaced with the word “four” for the word “seven,” to if you don’t have a booster. I.e. if you are four months out after your second dose, and don't have a booster , you won't be eligible.

Lilibet, you need the pass to go into any restaurants, museums, cafes, bars, or take a long-distance train. To get one, you go to a pharmacy, provide your proof of vaccination and I.d., pay 36€, and they will provide you a pass. You'll find several threads on acquiring the pass on this Forum.

Posted by
656 posts

Tocard, will the pharmacy download the QR code directly into the TousAntiCovid app? Is it now called Do you think they will might also give me a printed copy? I am very much technology challenged and more than a little nervous about not having extra copies of any required documents.

Posted by
4128 posts


The pharmacy will give you a paper EU immunization certificate with a QR Code that can be scanned by your phone once in the TousAntiCovid app -- that uploads the vaccination info to the app. It's super easy to do, but I'm sure the pharmacist can help you if you need it. I have the paper EU immunization certificates for doses 1 and 2 from a trip to Germany in the fall; I have already scanned those into the TousAntiCovid app. I just need to get a booster certificate, and I'm good to go.

So... hold onto your paper EU certificates... you may need them again for another country's preferred app.

Posted by
381 posts

Do you recommend to get the pass at the airport or is it ok to go to your hotel first, check in, and then find a pharmacy? Thanks for your help.

Posted by
10516 posts

Go to your hotel and then mess with the vax pass. Unless you are taking a TGV train directly from the airport, there is no reason to have to deal with this at the airport.

Posted by
1257 posts

Kim- This will be my situation. I arrive in Paris, but taking the train straight to Amboise. Do I need the pass before I get on the train? Or can it wait until Amboise?
Thanks for your help!

Posted by
432 posts

We are vaxed and boosted, with boosters received on October 6 (me) and September 27 (hubs).

Please correct any misunderstandings I may have!

We arrive in Madrid, direct from US, on April 24. We complete an online form no sooner than 2 days before departure. No testing needed prior to flight due to vax status.

We fly from Madrid to Paris on May 7. We'll be in various parts of France for the next 5.5 weeks, with possible side trips to Switzerland and Germany but those will depend on rules in place at the time we are considering those day trips.

Since we are entering France after a 13 day stay in Spain, do we need to take a covid test (and get negative results) in order to fly?

Once we are in Paris, we should take our CDC cards to a pharmacy to get our French vaccine documentation?

Must have a negative test result, taken within 24 hours, prior to flying back to US, from France, on June 14. (Hoping that requirement goes away before then.)

And as I just this morning tested positive for covid (after taking care of positive-testing grandchild; minimal symptoms for us both), I'm trying to remain optimistic that this trip WILL happen!

Thanks everyone!!!

Posted by
2796 posts

Since we are entering France after a 13 day stay in Spain, do we need to take a covid test (and get negative results) in order to fly?

You will meet whatever rules Spain may have in place.

Once we are in Paris, we should take our CDC cards to a pharmacy to get our French vaccine documentation?

You can if you like, but whatever you use for vaccination evidence in Spain should be accepted in France.

Must have a negative test result, taken within 24 hours, prior to flying back to US, from France, on June 14.

The US requires a negative PCR/Antigen test taken no earlier than the day before departure. There is no 24 hour limitation.

Posted by
10516 posts

Charlotte -- it depends what kind of train you are taking. I tnink all trains to Amboise are régional trains (TERs), which do not require a passe vaccinal.

However if you're doing something like taking a TGV to St-Pierre-des-Tours and then connecting to a local train dor Amboise, yes you would need one because they are required for TGVs.

Posted by
656 posts

Thanks, Dave! I know it's old school but I'm always happier to have, in addition to whatever can be downloaded an Actual, physical document! I will download the TousAntiCovid app before I depart for France. And yes, indeed, I have found the French to be very helpful when I cannot figure something out. So, glad to hear you think the pharmacist will be as helpful and courteous as I have always found the French to be.

Posted by
4977 posts

A note on TGV travel, when we took the train from Paris to Strasbourg we didn't just need the pass sanitaire, we had to get a blue rubber wristband from a small kiosk after he examined our pass before we got to the gate. I just happened to figure that one out.
So look around.

Posted by
10516 posts

Kay — for months now I have walked around with a paper copy of my health pass (now pass vaccinal). I swear it is quicker— for both me and the person checking it - than pulling that damn thing up on my phone.

Posted by
8 posts

I may have missed this, but is it possible to get the Pass Sanitaire before arriving in France by uploading the CDC card and passport?

Posted by
2796 posts

is it possible to get the Pass Sanitaire before arriving in France

No. You obtain a pass vaccinal, which replaces the pass sanitaire, by taking your CDC card and passport to a pharmacist, who, for only 36€, will issue you the necessary French QR codes.