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Paris with kids in 3 weeks

Hello, I have a trip planned to Paris with my 7 and 10 year old kids for late September/early October. Obviously, they are not vaccinated but my husband and myself are. I am at the point where a decision must be made soon to cancel and get refunds but what's holding me back are Disney vouchers from a canceled trip in April 2020. They are set to expire in March 2022 and I fear I will not be able to get there by then. My kids are used to masking, sanitizing, etc., we would be in Disney 2 days and Paris 6 days, our flights are nonstop, we plan on being outside a lot.... I felt ok about it earlier in the summer but now that it's approaching I find myself focusing so much on the covid test results to get back home to to the U.S. Has anyone traveled with younger children from the U.S. to France and how was that experience? Am I crazy for even considering this? Thanks!

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10428 posts

Everybody has different appetites for risk, of course, but if I had unvaccinated children I would not be traveling with them/ subjecting them to all those other passengers and travelers, much less the people at my destination.

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94 posts

We are supposed to travel in December to spend Christmas with close friends in Germany. Our children are 11 and 9. We've decided we will not travel if the kids aren't able to be vaccinated by then. With the rules constantly changing and the case numbers in flux, we feel like it would ruin our trip if we ended up having to quarantine due to the kids unvaccinated status (as the rules currently require in Germany). We'll see what unfolds over the next few months...

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503 posts

Allie…I so understand your angst! This is such a tough one as it involves your precious kids! I too have a trip to France planned Oct 1. One day I am definitely going…the nxt day “not”. Husband and I both had our Moderna months ago…we are very healthy and are in our late 60’s. Wishing we could get the booster right before we leave….But likely not available yet. I know most people I share our trip with visibly “cringe”.That’s so hard too! My mom in her 90’s is not a worrier…but this trip has her very concerned.
As a grandparent myself of kids these same ages…my opinion…and you are asking….would be don’t go with vulnerable kids not able yet to be vaxed. Just another layer of the risks you already mentioned!! This variant just so tricky! The possibility of quarantine or illness overseas…a bigger concern and cost! We have been to Disneyworld and know the costs involved. Try to work with Disney on this and they may give you options. I am so sorry about this! Kinda breaks my heart. But I do find though these kids have all learned through this pandemic to be flexible….more than adults! If you decide to cancel…consider taking them instead to our national parks. Awesome! We took our 5 grandkids and their parents in Aug and they absolutely loved it! Make the best of this…positive thoughts and prayer!

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4 posts

We're due to leave in early October and have an 11-year old (unvaccinated obviously.) We're still planning to go and I feel ok with it - but I think it's because we live in a massive covid hot spot with basically non existent masking or precautions happening, and frankly I don't feel like traveling is any more dangerous for her than even going to school right now.

We've traveled a few times during the pandemic, although not abroad, and are super careful and flexible with our plans. Disneyland Paris is also on our agenda, and we've done Disney World twice this past year with diligent masking, hand washing/sanitizing like crazy, no indoor dining, etc. From all I've read about the covid testing to get back home, it doesn't worry me as it seems widely available and quick.

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333 posts

Have you been to Disneyland Paris? It's a great disappointment if you're used to the US parks. Particularly the Orlando parks. I would use my voucher at Disney World (or Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios!). Disneyland Paris was small, crowded, and had terrible customer service. I have been going to Disney all my life, and I couldn't believe the wait for food and the attitude of workers who had zero interest in helping the line along. We even chatted with another guest (while waiting 20 min for hot chocolate to be warmed in a microwave-ridiculous!) saying can you believe this is even Disney? They had been to Orlando as well and thought there was a world of difference. But I understand the mystique of trying new things, too! I still want to try Tokyo Disneyland someday.

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24 posts

Thank you all for such thoughtful responses.

Disneyland Paris vouchers have to be used in Paris. I've been to Disney in California when I was young but not to Florida.... my kids haven't been at all so this was going to be special for them. Unfortunately, I am still on the fence. In case we do cancel Paris, we have planned a road trip through Pennsylvania visiting Gettysburg, Hershey and Lancaster for a week with a brief stop in NYC on the way home... not quite the same as Paris though.

I contacted their pediatrician who told me to follow CDC guidelines, wear a mask, stay away from large crowds and have fun.... not the response I was expecting.

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4694 posts

If I lived in a state with low numbers, I might hesitate to take my child on this trip. However, I would be in the same situation as nashmom-my child would be safer traveling than going to school.

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10773 posts

That's a tough decision. One of my sons won't bring his daughter to visit us where we live in France until she's vaccinated, probably in the spring. A second son won't risk not being able to get back for work due to a positive test. Is there any chance you can come during spring break in March

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20 posts

I am set to leave with my unvaccinated kids this weekend. We have thought about the risk and I believe we will be safer in France than at home. I do however worry about getting sick while we are there, but I am inclined to worry obsessively over any kind of illness. We are planning to purchase additional insurance for the worst case scenarios. Thankfully most children have a mild response to Covid so I feel our odds are decent, even if we contract it there. It is a very hard decision to make. I am cautiously optimistic and praying like crazy. You’ll make the best decision for your family! Good luck!!

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3373 posts

A few weeks ago my grandson's pediatrician went off topic at a board meeting for a non-profit with which he is involved. He was so upset (serious venting, really) at the vaccinated parents taking their kids away from their home area for vacation. The vaccinated parents are getting mild cases, but he is seeing their kids having to be hospitalized. Now this week, he's sent out notices that he has to quarantine because he's been diagnosed with Covid. He has mild flu symptoms(vaccinated, of course). So, his continual exposure to this has had an affect on him as well, and now his treatment of both healthy and covid kids, which I'm sure isn't setting well with him either. I have no idea how much Disney tickets cost, but is that money worth more than the health of your kids? Travel will be there next year, or maybe not. What are your priorities?

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10428 posts

Indeed, as Bets said.

Wray, do you mind telling us what area or what state your grandson lives in?

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3373 posts

Kim, He lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts, which is on the north shore of the Boston area.

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10428 posts

And here Massachusetts is a place that is doing much better with Covid than my home state of Oklahoma . . .