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Paris Visite travel pass?

Is it worth it to get this pass? € 42.20 per person for five days. Access to Metro, Trains & Busses in Zones 1-3.

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5907 posts

Compare the price with the Navigo Decouverte pass. €5 for the card, then €22.70 for 7 days ( Mon to Sun) and good for zones 1-5.

Much depends on whether you would make a trip to or from zone 5, and what days of the week you'll be in Paris. Personally, if I had only 5 days starting mid week and was staying inside Paris the whole time, I'd probably just opt for the new Easy card and top it up as needed.

Posted by
21765 posts

RATP, who sells the pass is showing 38.35 EUR. Since it is their pass, I assume the prices on their website are current.

Depending on the timing of your visit, the Navigo Decouverte at 22.80 EUR for 1 week, plus a 5 EUR first time set-up fee is a much better deal, covering all 5 zones. But it is a calendar week only, Monday morning to Sunday night. If your visit spans a weekend, like Thursday to Monday would not work.

You could also buy a 10-pack of tickets called a carnet for 14.90 EUR. That is one round trip per day, or 2 carnets for two round trips per day for 29.80 EUR.

Posted by
5697 posts

Also, if you want to take the train from CDG into Paris the €10 per person fare is covered by the Navigo Decouverte, so half.of the first week's cost.

Posted by
8832 posts

There is almost no scenario in which the Visite is a good choice. Get the Navigo Decouverte if it works for your dates; if not just get everyone an Easy and put a carnet of tickets on them.

Posted by
11528 posts

Short answer - no

I never bother with a pass of any type - Alan most places and just buy a carnet or two of tickets ( a carnet is 10 tickets good for one way bus or metro , sold at a discount to buying tickets individually , about 14:70 euros for ten ) .

However if I bought a pass it would be the ND - trick is it runs Monday - Sunday - so if you arrive on a wed or thurs it’s not worth it

Posted by
4 posts

Thanks for all the responses. Can you get the Navigo if you don’t live in Paris? I’m finding conflicting information.

Posted by
21765 posts

No residency requirement. I have one and I don't live anywhere near Paris.
Just have a 25mm by 30mm (1" by 1 1/4") passport type photo of your self. Can be a photo copy of your passport photo reduced to that size.

Posted by
2796 posts

Can you get the Navigo if you don’t live in Paris?


But you can purchase a Navigo Découverte card for 5€. The fare options are identical.

Posted by
5907 posts

"Thanks for all the responses. Can you get the Navigo if you don’t live in Paris? I’m finding conflicting information."

I don't think you can buy it online in advance. But you can certainly buy it when you arrive. If arriving at CDG or Gare du Nord, there are places to buy them there. Bring the necessary photos with you, properly sized, to save time.

Posted by
8832 posts

Not sure why this didn't stick but again: there are 3 Navigo products (not a brilliant choice on their part LOL

  1. Navigo -- for Paris residents -- registered. Can be loaded with weekly, monthly and annual passes.

  2. Navigo Decouverte -- designed for temporary workers and students and for locals who don't want their transport registered. Anyone can buy it. 5 Euro card which can be loaded with day passes, weekly passes and monthly passes. Requires photo but not application or registration.

  3. Navigo Easy. a credit card type card which can be loaded with daily passes or carnet of t+ ticket and individual tickets but not RER tickets or weekly passes. No picture, can be transferred but not shared i.e. one person can use it at a time.

Posted by
41 posts

This may be a little late since the last post was 9 days ago; however, I had a similar question about the Paris Visite Pass. We are staying in an apartment in zone 3 so the Easy card will not work for us. A carnet (10 tickets) for the RER from zone 3 is 22.40 euro and we will need 2 each so that is 44.80 euro. Then we need to have 2 carnet for travel within the center (zone 1) so we do not waste our zone 3 tickets for those short trips and that adds another 29.80 eruros ( 2 x 14.90). Then we still have to buy tickets to Versailles from zone 1 for 14.60 with return) and tickets to CDG when we leave , 20.60. We will arrive on a Friday and depart on Wednesday so the Navigo Decouverte will not work. All of that totals 109.80 euros. It seems that it makes sense for us to purchase a 5 day Paris Visite Pass which covers zone 1-3 and separate tickets for Versailles and CDG for a total of 111.90 euros which allows us to travel freely within zones 1-3 for 5 days and not have to keep buying tickets every few days. I realize that most everyone thinks it is better to stray in the center but the difference in cost for hotels and apartments if they stay a little outside the center saves some money and it only takes 15 to 20 minutes to travel to the center. In addition having a comfortable roomy apartment with a kitchen is a bonus at a much cheaper cost.

Posted by
7357 posts

Even if your stay spans two calendar weeks, it looks like you'd be slightly better off just getting Navigo Découverte passes. You won't have to buy a single paper ticket. Or mix and match, navigo découverte + tickets for the days not covered .

Posted by
41 posts

Well I thought of that but here is a problem:
You can buy Navigo cards / passes for the current week up until Thursday, midnight. Next week’s Navigo card is on sale from Friday morning onwards. (In the past, the Navigo weekly train pass for the current week stopped selling at Wednesday midnight, but this has been moved to Thursday midnight.) So buying 2 weekly passes to cover Friday to Monday and Monday to Wednesday is not possible if I am interpreting the above statement correctly.

We arrive Friday at 12:23 p. If we buy a Navigo weekly train pass it would be for the following week, not the current week, so we would only be able to use it from Monday to Wednesday. In the meantime we have to buy tickets or passes that cover Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We would still have to buy a ticket for Versailles for Sunday in addition to at least 2 carnet plus 2 extra one trip tickets @ 2.80 each for zone 1-3 to cover Friday to Monday. By my calculations that adds up to 120.20 euro.
2 x 27.80 = 55.60 and 2 x 22.40 = 44.80 2 x 2.80 = 5.60 and Versailles from zone 1, 2 x 7.10 RT = 14.20