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Paris: Van Gogh

Hello happy wanderers,

We are presently in Paris and debating which of the art museums (in addition to the Louvre) we might want to visit. I am enamored with Van Gogh’s works - in particular his Sunflower Series. Perhaps someone(s), in this forum, might have recent experience with current exhibits in Paris. If so, I’d appreciate some guidance to where we might best find some of Van Gogh colorful classics

Thank you for allowing me tap into your collective mind for yet another Paris related question.

:-). WL

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When we went, the first room with Van Gogh paintings was packed, but the next room was less crowded and had additional Van Gogh paintings.

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1432 posts

Van Gogh painted various paintings with sunflowers, but none of these paintings are owned by museums in Paris. They are in The Netherlands, Germany, Japan and the USA.
As mentioned by others, the Musée d’Orsay does own a substantial number of paintings by Vincent van Gogh, mainly paintings that he made during the last months of his life. A special exhibit about the last three months of his life will open soon. This exhibit is organized together with the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam and that’s where I saw this same exhibit a few months ago. It was well worth a visit!

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The National Gallery in London also has one of Van Gogh's Sunflowers.

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I secured tickets to the Van Gogh exhibit on 10.03. It is our last day in Paris before returning to TX home.

We are ending day 3 of our stay - and - I’m already planning our next visit.


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135 posts

We are going on the 12th- the night before we fly home, fortunately Thursday the museum stays open til 9. Secured our 6pm entry for the special exhibit a few weeks ago.

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Hey y'all,

We returned home late Wednesday evening and are presently working on getting back into the groove of things here in Texas.

The Van Gogh exhibit was spectacular! Given that it was the opening day of the exhibit, and a Tuesday, the crowds were intense. If I lived close by I would want to revisit sometime later to leisurely explore the exhibit and the extraordinary museum Grateful to have experienced it, regardless.

Thanks for your helpful tips! Much appreciated.