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Posted by
6873 posts

I take anything on TA with a very, very large grain of salt.

That said, I gave up on "night trains" long ago, after trying several and having a miserable time (zero sleep, followed by 3 days of additional misery as I shuffled through groggy days). If you can sleep under any conditions (including constant jostling, skull-piercing noise, bright lights, and more) then maybe a night train will be great. As a light sleeper, no more night trains for me.

Flying is dirt cheap. That's how I'd go.

Posted by
1025 posts

I cannot recall if I took a "Thello" night train from Venice to Paris, but I did take one with two berths and minimal amenities. It was a horrible experience, one that I still use to regale my friends with at parties where we compare notes about "the worst experience you ever had."

The trip is not glamorous or fun, and sleep is not sustained. The ride is bumpy and noisy, and with the rocking of the train, you are jerked awake when a rough patch of rails is encountered. The dining car seemed like an afterthought, and the food was expensive and unpleasant. On the positive side, we lived through the experience.

Posted by
3398 posts

People often say think they will save the cost of a hotel and time by taking a sleeper.
I've taken that route on a sleeper and it was not a great experience. Unless you are a train enthusiast and just want the experience of sleeping on a train, I would not do it.
It's loud.
There are many stops during the night.
Ding-dinging at crossings.
People getting on and off.
Coupling and uncoupling of cars.
People shouting in the hallways outside your room.
The AC turns off in the middle of the night and it becomes unbearably stuffy.
If you are sharing a couchette with others...well - you can imagine.
Yuck. Fly.

Posted by
10502 posts

Just fly — you can find cheap flights on If you have the option, take a flight fromOrly airport rather than CDG, as it's much smaller and easier to deal with (and cheaper taxi and closer to town).

Posted by
4103 posts

Been there. Done that. It is as bad as the reviews on TA say. Please spare yourself the agita and fly. That is what I did the last time I went from Paris to Venice and it was so much better than the train.

Posted by
11 posts

thanks a lot folks for the candid replies
After carefully considering the pros and cons we have decided to go by train. The kids want a train experience :-). I will blame them if it does not go well :-)

we would like to book a 4 person Couchette and would not like to share the cabin with any strangers

Should I choose Cucetta 4 Entier/Intero/Whole option on ? not too familiar with the options on

thanks much !

Posted by
5687 posts

Can't you take the kids on a daytime train ride somewhere? I love trains, but I've never been interested in trying a night train.

I took Thello from Genoa to Nice a few years ago. It was fine. Actually, over more than a week's time, I did wind up taking the train from Venice via Nice up to Paris - all during the day. The Thello train was just part of the journey.

Posted by
4132 posts

If the family wants the train experience, this is a good way to get it.

I think night trains can be fun and romantic. just budget some recovery time the next day--you will probably be a little short on sleep.

Posted by
4103 posts

"Should I choose Cucetta 4 Entier/Intero/Whole option on ?"
Yes, do not choose the one for six thinking you will have more room (you won't and you will run the risk of the conductor putting strangers in your cabin). I am one of the people who voted no on doing this trip by overnight train but if you have a couchette with only your family in it, it may not be awful. Please report back and let the forum know how it went.

Edit: Here is an article from a family that just did this trip in November 2018. You might find it useful.

Posted by
3662 posts

And be sure to pack all your food and drinks for the trip with you, so you don't have to rely on terrible options on board.
Or, the risk that there is nothing to eat on board.
If you're in a private cabin with just your family, it might be quite fun!
I wouldn't do it if I had to share with strangers.
As a student I would take the sleeper between Edinburgh and London , in the 70's.
It was …….interesting.
Do report back after your trip with your impressions!

Posted by
1330 posts

A lot of complaints about standard sleeper services come from people who were anticipating a luxury time like they've seen on Murder on the Orient Express (but without the murder, presumably). They're expectations were completely wrong and so they whine. They are the equivalent of those who whinge that the €20 flight on Ryanair wasn't the first class on Singapore Airlines experience they wanted.

Night trains are great, though not necessarily cheap. Always book a whole sleeper ("room"), or in your case book a 4 berth couchette. They are the civilised way to travel and avoid the airport hell of short-haul flying. Sadly, few services remain. But if one is available on your route, definitely take it. Take your own food and drink on board rather than relying on anything sold on the train. You'll have a great time.

Posted by
143 posts

I have taken 2 night trains in my life:

One following the Nile river down to Luxor in Egypt. I loved it!!! Dinner service, turned down service, breakfast... and what a way to see the Nile. It was not luxurious but comfortable and clean. I would do it again.

The other was Milan to Munich. The train stopped many times and it was not peaceful. But my children loved it. And it suited our itinerary.

I would try the Thello train, and probably will in the future. I think that if your children are adventurous they will enjoy it.

Posted by
6873 posts

After carefully considering the pros and cons we have decided to go by train. The kids want a train experience :-). I will blame them if it does not go well :-)

Be sure to get this in writing from them. It will serve you well for many years to come when your kids come up with some bone-headed idea that you are sure everyone will come to regret.