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Paris to Charles de Gualle Airport

3 seventy plus ladies need to go from a VRBO in the 5 th arr Paris, to the Charles de Gaulle airport.
Is a Taxi or shuttle best option? If shuttle, which company?

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571 posts

One of you download the G7 app and use it to order a taxi. Very reliable

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8431 posts

Shuttles are never a good idea in Paris. It i 65 from the 5th to the airport plus 7 euro to book the cab ahead. Book your cab two days ahead by calling G7 taxi's English speaking reservation line. You can also do it on the ap. book it 4 hours before your flight if it is to the US. Be on the curb with your luggage about 5 minutes before you expect the cab.

the G7 English line is +33 if calling from a US cell phone. Cabs are sometimes not available to reserve the day before -- we have run into that -- so do it two days out.

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1121 posts

Just fyi, taxis can use the bus lanes to get around traffic. Shuttles cannot. Definitely go with the taxicab. Well worth the fixed price cost.

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745 posts

G7 app for an official Paris taxi, all the way. Reliable and user friendly.

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635 posts

I took a taxi the first time and it was super expensive. I regret it even now, because it's so easy to take a train straight to the station. The RER B train goes directly to the airport. It's cheap and fast. There is a station by the Jardin de Luxembourg which is near the 5th and 6th. It's right next to the park. Or you can look up this school right by the Luxembourg station.

École des Mines de Paris
60 Bd Saint-Michel, 75272 Paris, France

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10016 posts

I took a taxi the first time and it was super expensive.

Hi, do you remember what year that was ?

Authorities instituted fixed-rate taxi fares between Paris and the two airports in 2016.

Now, as someone mentioned above, these three ladies can be assured that their taxi will cost 65€ plus the 7€ reservation fee. The 65€ fare for the Left Bank is good for up to four passengers and their luggage.

Posted by
12313 posts

Do you all have multiple bags? If so, taxi is your best option.

Are you light packers? I always use metro/RER to get to the airport - but I'm only carrying one small carryon (12 lbs. is my personal limit).

Posted by
7535 posts

Also keep in mind that if there are three of you, that would be 3 metro fares totally around €35, while the G7 taxi fare would cover all three of you together. You're not going to save a ton of money using the metro. I think it's a no brainer to get the taxi.

I will be doing this next year with two grandchildren, and I intend to use the G7 app. Easy peasy. :-)

Posted by
8431 posts

The passengers are in their 70s. When I was 50 I took the train; I am 80, darn right I am taking the taxi door to door. The added cost is minor in the context of a trip from the US to Paris and the value is enormous. When we arrive at Orly from Florence this fall we will take the metro as the 14 goes from the airport to our local station in Batignolles and we know that it is well supplied with elevators at both ends. But heading for CDG we would be hauling bags up and down steep metro steps to get to the RER -- not going there.

Posted by
635 posts

My first trip to Paris was in 2006, and I think the taxi from Rue Cler to CDG was 50eu ... 18 years ago. I think you could stay in a cheaper hotel in Paris for that amount. I generally don't like taxis because of potential shenagins with meters turned off, circuitous routes, getting dropped off at the wrong place. In China, I had one driver try the "long way" trick, and another one innocently brought us to some low end slummy neighborhood miles from where we were actually heading.

There are some places where taxi is the only option - such as Bangkok Thailand. But places like Paris and London are so convenient that how I would go. The last time I took the RER B from Jardin de Luxembourg to CDG, it seemed the train was almost empty middle of the day, and few stops along the way.

To each his own.