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Paris to Caen by rail in early April 2015

Looking at Paris-Caen train availability using schedule sites (raileurope, db bahn) it seems that the train rides shown by raileurope starts at Lazarre station and are 2 hours or less with no changes for trains, or looking at db bahn it starts at Montparnasse and is 6 hours long with three or more changes. Neither site lists the trains of the other site. Of course I am a bit confused.

Then on some discussion stream here at RS it was suggested that there are rail line repairs between Paris and Caen scheduled.

Can anyone help me out?
wayne iNWI

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359 posts

I don't know about repairs on the rail lines between Paris and Caen, but have you tried I like that site best for trains in Paris.

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16894 posts

I believe the DB is accurately reflecting spring construction issues on that route, which end sometime in April, so your date is important. In first week of April, the detours that DB lists do not all require 6 hours and 3 connections; several are 3 hours and 1 connection.

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2797 posts

Note the Thread "Paris-Bayeux Train Schedule - Track Work Appears Cancelled" started 1/21, regarding the changed schedule. Track work appears to be off.