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Paris Taxi ripoff?

Today we took a taxi from our Paris hotel in LeMarais, next to Place des Vosges, to the Gare Montparnesse. We didn’t ask how much the fare would be before we got in (trusting souls) and after we got going, I could see the driver having his fingers on buttons below the meter causing the rates to go up at some of the stop lights. The fare was $25. Not a huge amount but I’m just wondering if this has happened to anyone else?

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10313 posts

No, not at all. That's about what it would be. We've taken taxis numerous times from Gare de Lyon to a few blocks before the Montparnasse station, a shorter route than yours at both ends, and it's always about 20 euros. The fingers on the buttons was adjusting the meter. Nothing fishy was going on. The rate is based on both distance and time.

The only time I'd had a problem in years of taking Parisian cabs was a G7 cab that took us out-of-the-way on the Montparnasse-Gare de Lyon route until I asked him to take the regular route.

Glad you had the foresight to add a ? to your title.

Posted by
7011 posts

100% agree with Bets.
And I will add that in places with metered taxis, you should never ask for an estimate of the fare. It identifies you as an outsider and it opens the door to scams; the driver might quote a higher rate and make you pay a flat fare.

Posted by
6788 posts

If I ever emerge from a taxi in Paris and the bill is just $25, I'd hand over the money, close the car door, and run like the wind, because I'd expect there had been some kind of a mistake or miscommunication (like a digit was dropped...) and the driver would soon correct it to a much higher figure. $25 for a taxi more than a couple of blocks in Paris...sounds like a bargain to me!

Posted by
3778 posts

You can always use taxifarefinder to see if you were ripped off. As noted by others, this fare was fair. The fare is by meter so I doubt that the driver would have given you an estimate even if you asked and as Balso said, you increase the likelihood of a ripoff.

Posted by
457 posts

Our 5 ish min ride from 6th Arr to Gare Montparnasse this morning was 13 euro. You paid a reasonable fare.

We just left Paris. The G7 taxi app is the only way to go. So user friendly. Very similar to an Uber app. Gives you a price range at booking and found our rates to be in that range. You paid as expected /average for your trip.

Every taxi arrived within minutes. It was a good experience. We G7’d a lot our last day to really cover a lot of territory. It was great.

Posted by
2580 posts

Fares are set by the Préfecture de Police and regulated by the meter. 20€ to 25€ is a rather fare price to pay for that distance. I have no idea what you mean by $25, that could be Hong Kong dollars, Canadian dollars, or Australian dollars. Transactions here are in euros.

Posted by
14177 posts

@jfrankenf: G7 taxis can use the bus lanes. Uber and the other crowd sourced transit companies cannot. I like paying thru the G7 app -I add my CC information when I get to Paris and remove it when I come home. I have never had an issue with G7.

Posted by
373 posts

G7 shows up when they say they will

Uber cancels just before they are supposed to get there.

Posted by
2580 posts

Agree with Carol. If you are on your way to the airport and call Uber, be sure to allow sufficient time for the RER or taxi as I have had Uber cancel on me at the last minute.