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Paris Restaurant Recommnedations


I am looking for suggestions on where to dine our final night in Paris. We are staying in the 6th arrondissement and don't mind a healthy walk. I’ve been looking at Boutary, Le Comptoir de La Gastronomie and Chez Marcel. Are there other places we should consider? We currently have confirmed dinner reservations at La Cuisine de Philippe, Le Comptoir des Petits Champs and Le Buisson Ardent.

I’m also looking for places that have exceptional onion soup and crepes that we can stop at for lunch.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks! Lyn

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2657 posts

I think that most Parisians expect good service and choose restaurants based upon the capability of the kitchen staff and chef.

In the 6th, you might like Ze Kitchen Galerie, Georgette, le Timbre, or Quinsou.

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1175 posts

Our favorite in the 7th right across the boundary of the 6th, is the Galette Cafe with many types of fresh buckwheat galettes. Crepes are fine but galettes are to die for. They have a website with hours and address, Go early at opening for lunch since seating is limited.