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Paris Restaurant


Does anyone have a memorable dining experience / restaurant in Paris that they can share? My mother and I are hoping to make our last meal in Paris a special one. We will have a transit pass so location is not an issue and we are hoping to keep it somewhere between 40-60 Euro pp. Just looking for some ideas.



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4684 posts

Is that figure for each of you or both? Even if it's for each of you, that isn't a huge amount for a meal in Paris, especially if you drink any alcohol.

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2263 posts

Philip, by "pp" I'm sure OP means per person. It would be good to have a little more input as to style, etc.

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4 posts

We normally eat at Le Relais de Venise, Le Hangar and Les Philosophies for about $100-$125 for 2 people with a bottle of wine. We ate at Le Relais de Venise last year, but it's been at least 5 years since we've been to the others.

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346 posts

Consider Le Petite Pontoise near Notre Dame (the escargot was one of the best dishes I've had in Paris), Marco Polo in saint germain, Chez Janou in the 3rd arr.

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2466 posts

If it's not too late, any of the locations of Cantine du Troquet are exceptional value and exceptional for food.

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2030 posts

Perhaps this isn't as special as you want, but today I had an excellent 3-course price fixe lunch at Bistrot Paul Bert (in the 11th, on street of same name), with one glass of wine for 46 Euros.

Prices may be a bit more at dinner.

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8874 posts

L'Initial in the 5th about a block from Notre Dame has a wonderful menu. 36 Euro for 4 courses and 48 for 7. The four course is an entree (our night it was langostine and fennel with a citrus infusion) a fish course, a choice of meat courses (our night was pigeon, sweetbreads or rack of lamb) and a dessert. The additional courses in the larger menu include an amuse, a heavenly grilled foie gras and an amazing grapefruit sorbet. There is a little snack at the start and mignardises at the end in addition. We had a class of champagne as aperitif for 11 each. Very fine and beautifully presented. I would have gone for the 36 Euro menu except for the foie gras which was pretty amazing. A lovely experience.

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1420 posts

I love the Café Capucines which is about a block from the opera. Google it. The interior is gorgeous, the food is tasty, and while it's not cheap, it's not ridiculously priced (the drinks are overpriced). Check it out.

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33 posts

My husband and I went to Le Recamier for dinner when we were in Paris for our anniversary in December 2005.
They specialize in souffles, both savory and sweet, and everything was delicious. We ate indoors due to the time of year, but when it's nice out they have tables on the terrace (which is a quiet area well off the main road). I definitely recommend it!
4 Rue Récamier, 75007
Phone: +33 1 45 48 86 58