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Paris Pass vs Paris museum pass

I am quite confused as I thought there was only the Paris Museum Pass but a friend who recently went to Paris said they got the Paris Pass which sounds and looks different. It includes bus fare and more attractions than the Museum Pass covers? Please any advice would be greatly appreciated! Has anyone any knowledge of this? Merci beaucoup

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8805 posts

The Paris Pass is not a pass if by that you mean a single product that covers museums, transport etc. It is a very overpriced collection of products easily acquired for less in Paris. The museum entry is an ordinary Museum Pass that you can buy on your own for less -- exact same product. The transport pass is the Paris Visite which is almost always a huge tourist rip off and more so if added to this package. there are a few other coupons but if you are on the HOHO bus, you aren't using the Paris Visite etc etc.

I would get a Paris Museum Pass if it makes sense for you i.e. you are going to go to a lot of museums and monuments in a short period. For transport either just get carnet of 10 ordinary metro/bus tickets for 16 Euro or if your dates work get the Navigo Decouverte (it is the best deal but runs Mon-Sun -- so you need 4 or more days within that frame for it to make sense. Seine cruises, wine tastings etc are easily acquired if you want them on the spot.

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11525 posts

What Janet said exactly .

Personally I think the Paris Pass is a suckers "deal" . The Paris Museum Pass however can have good value .

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4684 posts

Yes, get the Paris Museum Pass. It's worth it in itself to be able to visit the Louvre several times on successive days without thinking you have to see everything in one go.

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5316 posts


You may want to refer to this post written last summer where I explained the difference between the 2 passes.
Keep in mind that the "Paris Pass" prices have increased since the date of the post.

Another thing to consider is that the 3 day "Paris Pass" includes a 2 day Paris Museum Pass.

We purchased the Paris Museum Pass plus a Navigo Découverte weekly pass for transportation within Paris.

Enjoy your time in PAris!