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Paris pass vs museum pass

Any recommendations or experiences with either the Pars Pass and/or the Museum pass?

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16884 posts

Although the Paris Museum Pass worked a little differently when we purchased it some years ago (unlimited visits to the museums it covered; now limited to a single visit), it's still the pass I'd purchase versus the Paris Pass. The PP includes all sorts of stuff we personally aren't interested in and frankly would not have had time for so why pay for what we wouldn't use? If the museums are your main focus, then go for the Paris Museum Pass. Oh, and you'd have to purchase at least the 4-day Paris Pass to have the Museum Pass included in that package.

As with any pass, you need to do the math to see if it makes economic sense for you or not: compare the cost of the pass against the price of individual admissions to the museum you wish to visit. Understand as well that some of the museums, such as the Louvre (Ée-du-louvre) require advance, timed-entry reservations even if using the pass so read the details/FAQs.

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2785 posts

The Paris Pass is nothing other than a collection of other passes/tickets which you can otherwise purchase at far lower cost. The Paris Pass is only worthwhile to those selling it.

Your question should be Museum pass vs. individual tickets purchased in advance. The only difference is that individual tickets allow you to visit when you like during your stay, (there is no limiting number of days in which to use the tickets), and you only pay for the museums you really want to visit. The pass makes sense for those who plan to spend a lot of time at various museums during the pass’s validity period.

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15156 posts

The Paris Museum Pass used to be a standard purchase for me but some value when they started limiting it to one visit per museum, then lost even more value when timed entries were necessary for some of the bigger museums.

The Paris Museum Pass is sold in 2, 4 or 6 days of coverage. They are continuous so you need to look at what days you'll be there plus the weekly closure days plus any non-musuem activities you might have planned. In actuality the passes cover 48/96/144 hours so if you have a 2-day pass and enter your first museum at noon on Day 1 you can still enter a venue before 11:59 on Day 3.

How many days were you thinking and what museums do you want to see?

Here is a list of the museums it covers.

And I agree with my friends on the thread...NO to the Paris Pass.

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8805 posts

Never buy the so called Paris Pass which is not a pass

The Museum Pass might be of interest to a first timer to Paris whose goal is to spend every available moment in a museum-- the fact that it is now limited to one entry per museum erases what benefit it had to me. I would cost out the itinerary you plan and see if it saves you money. If so get it. Realize that you still have to make reservations most places.

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29 posts

Thank you. This information clarifies and answers my question. I so appreciate your advice!

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3 posts

It is my understanding that the Museum Pass allows some amount of line-skipping - is that true? Thanks

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8805 posts

Before COFID pass and ticket holders entered through a different line and that was often very short or non existant. However since most museums now require reservations and those with reserved tickets and passes wait in the same security line, the benefit is much lower now.

e.g. we used to walk into the Orsay at gate C often with no line at all. Now you will wait up to half an hour, sometimes more on Tuesdays in lines for each half hour reservation. You can go ahead of the line before your reservation to join your reservation line -- but there are still often long lines.

At the Louvre this spring and fall those with tickets or passes could use the Carousel entrance which had very short lines.

So the shift to reserved entrance has meant most everyone stands in the same lines.

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2785 posts

It is my understanding that the Museum Pass allows some amount of line-skipping

Anyone who purchases a ticket in advance, online for example, uses the same museum entrance as do pass holders. The only line a museum pass holder may skip is the ticket line (which those with tickets also skip). Everyone stands in the security line.