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Paris pass sos !!!

I have the Paris pass that includes transport on metro, RER buses, etc. Yet metro people act like I’m crazy, say it won’t work to open the gates , etc. Is there something else I need to do?? Convert it to some other type of ticket maybe? I’m at a loss and don’t know what to do! I haven’t tried it on RER yet but am scared it won’t work with the bus drivers either when I need it to. Help!

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8778 posts

The Paris Pass is not a pass which is why you apparently overlooked the tiny ticket that is a much overpriced Paris Visite Pass. You put it through the metro style just like. a regular ticket except you can reuse it unlike regular tickets (that it looks just like). The Paris Pass is a kit of other products like the Museum Pass and Visite Pass you could have bought cheaper on arrival.

I am so glad you didn't somehow manage to get through the gate perhaps by following someone through the luggage bypass because if intercepted without a validated ticket the fine on the spot is 50 Euros. Hope you have it working now. (be sure you print your name on the pass as it is not transferable and if you don't have your name on it you can also be fined the 50.)

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10472 posts

Note that the card is only good for zones 1 to 3 so if you are going outside of zone 3 (for example Versailles). You have to add value to it, ask someone in a metro office how to do this.