Estella, first of all, learn some French - at least a few key phrases - can you ask "where is..."? "please" and "thank you"? On every trip to Europe, we've been embarrassed watching American tourists shouting English at Europeans. More often than not, in a large city like Paris, people are multilingual, and are able to speak English, but don't expect it of them. You're not going to Disneyland, you're visiting peoples home. Now, having lectured you on that, let me say, DON'T WORRY! Any train station will be fine. Just pay attention, and look at the signage. As it is here, there will be icons to guide you. Do you know what "sortie" means? Pick up a phrasebook, or you can even get a free language translator app for a smartphone. If you're not carrying a lot of luggage (recommended) take the Metro rather than a taxi. You can get all over Paris via Metro. Check online, you can prepare yourself by finding maps of routes and stations. Basically, what I'm recommending is: do some research and prepare yourself - you'll have a lot more fun when you get there. And don't pay too much attention to "unsavory" reports. Just because one person had a problem, doesn't mean everyone does. Gare du Nord, by the way, is a really grand station! My wife and I had a wonderful time in Paris, and will be returning in September, we loved it so much. Have fun, and keep smiling!