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Paris museums on first Sundays?

We are aware that many (most? all?) Paris museums are open free of charge on the the first Sunday of each month. That seems like a good thing as far as cost is concerned. We are wondering however whether the crowds will be prohibitively large. Any thoughts or experiences to share?

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8282 posts

Don't try to go to the obvious real popular museums on free day. There are a long lines before they open.
We went to the Pompidou one time on free day and it seemed so crowded the air conditioning could not keep up.

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4100 posts

Maybe go to the Museum Quai Branly on a free day. I love that museum and it has never been crowded when I have gone. I would avoid the Musee d'Orsay on its free day. A few years ago, I went to the Musee d'Orsay on a free day not knowing it would be free because I avoid free days at popular places like the plague after an unfortunate time at the Bronx Zoo on its free day. It was extremely crowded at the Musee d'Orsay. It's usually crowded but this was ridiculous. BTW, the Louvre is not free on Sundays, You can see the various free admissions, including museums that are always free, at

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16880 posts

No, "free" days are not really a benefit at all as far as the popular museums go. They're busy enough to begin with! They're OK for less-visited museums, though.

The Louvre is not longer free on first Sundays. However:

Admission is free for all visitors on the first Saturday of each
month from 6 p.m. to 9:45 p.m
. and on Bastille Day (14 July).

Musee d'Orsay is still free on 1st Sundays but I'm sure it's a complete zoo.

Musée national du Moyen Âge/Cluny is also free on first Sundays and may be a good choice as far as not having a huge crowd. We really enjoyed that one.

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6637 posts

Kathy, is the Cluny open again? It was closed when we were there last spring.

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12315 posts

I've had good luck at the Orangerie on free days. Any line seems to go fairly quickly. The Louvre and the Orsay lines don't move quickly and are long on free days. Others can chime in with places they've had good luck.