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Paris Metro/bus can I use paper tickets throughout 2020?

Does anyone know when paper tickets for the Metro/bus will no longer be accepted in Paris? I have several from a previous trip. Also, is there a sure way to tell whether or not any of my paper tickets have been used previously? I know sometimes there is a stamp on the back but that does not always seem to be the case. My husband inadvertently used a previously used ticket on the bus and was fined €30 so we want to be sure that the tickets we do have are still unused.

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10770 posts

Kay, Just take the tickets to the "information/service" window in the Métro station and the employee will check them all for validity. AFAIK they are still good but again the window employee will help you with this.

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2742 posts

Paper tickets t+ should remain valid throughout 2020.

When a ticket is used, it is printed with the date and time of entry. However, print ribbons at entry turnstiles are not always changed when they should be resulting in printouts that are impossible to read or sometimes even to see. Service window staff have equipment to read the magnetic strip to confirm ticket validity for you.

You are not supposed to bend or mutilate tickets but I gently fold a corner whenever I use a ticket to avoid confusing used with unused tickets.

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12315 posts

My technique is unused tickets in my left pocket. When I use one it stays in my right pocket. When I leave the metro, I put it in the trash as quickly as possible to avoid confusion.

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656 posts

Thanks everyone! A special thanks to you, Bets. You always know what’s going on in France. Good to hear that paper tickets should still be good through 2020. I will most certainly take the tickets to the information window to be checked. Left pocket/right pocket: good advice! I always intend to throw out my ticket immediately upon exiting the metro/Bus but evidently I get too distracted by Paris! I am reassured by all the help And advice offered. So again, many thanks.

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7335 posts

Only have the tickets checked at the booth if they are rejected by the turnstiles / bus timestamping machines (turnstile won't move / bus machine will bleep angrily). If your ticket is accepted, they're good, no need to double check.