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Paris: Memorable Venues?


My friend and I are spending a week in Paris at the end of July. My friend is a gifted musician who arranged a free flat for us. As a thank you, I wanted to provide a great night of music somewhere. Could anybody please suggest musical venues that make for memorable evenings? We are NOT club people and prefer classical, jazz, etc. Hidden gems are especially appreciated!


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Go to the website for the weekly entertainment listing magazine, l'Officiel des Spectacles. You'll see a listing for concerts, and within that listing it will be broken down further into musical gendres. You'll see listings for evening, Sunday daytime, all kinds of concerts.

Many people enjoy the concerts held in the Ste. Chapelle due to its beautiful venue. These repeat frequently, maybe nightly.

You may want to give her a couple of choices since who is playing and what they are playing may be the deciding factor for a trained musician.