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Paris: In search of recommendation for 14K Eiffel Tower charm for charm bracelet.

Hello fellow wanderers -

I’m considering starting a 14K gold charm bracelet with charms from our travels. I have a sterling silver charm bracelet and have dismissed the idea of the 14K for $$$ reasons. At the ripe “old” age of 62, I’m finally able to dust off my bucket list and commence to checking off some items. I figured some gold charms might be a special way to commemorate our special “golden years” travels.

This notion has me wondering if there might be a preferred vendor (in Paris) where I might be able to purchase such a charm? My guess is that someone(s) on this forum might have some savvy, first-hand experience on this type of purchase.

Yours in wanderment,


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3804 posts

I thought that most jewelry sold in France is 18K. Maybe a local can let us know. Have you checked Galeries Lafayette? It seems like a gold charm of the Eiffel Tower is something they would carry.

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212 posts

Why not just purchase it from home post-Paris? It is fun to have a "quest" though. Mine for our trip to France last month was a covered dish large enough to hold Kerry butter. Found it at a pottery shop in Domme and it made it home intact!

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3804 posts

"There are Pandora stores in Paris too."
And sometimes on the airplane. I bought my niece a Pandora Eiffel Tower charm from the duty free shopping on a BA flight a few years ago.

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45 posts

Hey y'all,

We returned home late Wednesday evening and are presently working on getting back into the groove of things here in Texas. Thanks for your helpful tips! Much appreciated.

After some consideration and a limited search for the elusive 14K charm, I decided to drop the quest. My pocketbook reminded me that I could conserve the $$$ I'd need to shell out to acquire said charm and requisite bracelet, and spend it on future travels instead. ;-) That said... I'm definitely going to buy myself a sterling silver Eiffel Tower charm and start a travel bracelet at a fraction of the cost.

Thanks again!