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Paris Hotel/Quad

Looking for a "reasonable" hotel in Paris, good location, for a family of four ~ two adults and two children ages 9 and 11.
In March.
Thank you.

Posted by
2261 posts

Alex, it would be helpful if you can give people an idea of your budget in euros per night. Is there a particular area that appeals to you?

Posted by
3804 posts

I assume that you are looking for one room for all four of you. The Hotel Cluny-Sorbonne has a quad room that has a nice view. The Hotel Minerve also offers quads. But, I am not sure what you mean by reasonable. Depending on your budget, there might be other suggestions.

Posted by
475 posts

To me 200-250E per night is reasonable for Paris. Yes one room for all four of us. Any area that has easy access to major attractions would be great. The Eiffel Tower area is wonderful but I know can be more expensive.

Thank you.

Posted by
11507 posts

Alex.. I do not consider the "Eiffel Tower " area great.. especially for families as its mostly a more residential area with fewer cafes and shops right out the door.. and you would be using buses and metros more to get to other sites then staying in same area as say at the Cluny Sorbonne as suggested...

Posted by
475 posts

Hotel Cluny Sorbonne doesn't look like it has an active website and Minerve only offers triples it looks like.

Posted by
475 posts

Have stayed at Hotel Muguet and loved it (Eiffel Tower area) ~ close to everything; great little cafes.
But they don't have quads.

Posted by
11507 posts

The Hotel Cluny Sorbonne does have a very good website.. I just checked.. not sure what an "active " website means?

Posted by
4176 posts

Have you checked Under Guests, choose options to put in the number of adults and kids. Then put in the ages of the kids. Your results should include only rooms big enough for your family.

You can use all kinds of "filters" as you see fit. I find the review score more useful than stars.

Posted by
8262 posts

google quad room in Paris -- another travel forum posts lists of these every so often and that should bring it up. The Eiffel Tower area is out of the way and not IMHO a good area to choose with a family. Get central near the river.

Posted by
792 posts

Hi, Alex. I recently researched this exhaustively for my family of four (for our trip next August.) I think I found something really great in that price range. It is the "Hotel St. Louis Marais." It has very good (8.4) reviews on It appears to be a great location in the Marais area, a very short walk to the Seine, Isle St. Louis, Isle de la Cite (Notre Dame), Places des Vosges, etc.

Another bonus is that it has two large beds, as opposed to a large bed and a pull out sofa.