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Paris detailed map

I’m looking for a map of central Paris that shows all streets, not just the main streets. Does anyone know who makes one. They all seem to only show main roads with popular destinations.

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15183 posts

I used to be a major paper map gal but Kim converted me over to the CityMapper app and I haven't looked back.

There used to be some small map books available at the little corner newspaper kiosks but I haven't looked for them lately. Might be A-Z or maybe that is the name of the one in London, lol.

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6713 posts

Yes, A to Z is the London map I think. For Paris I'd suggest a Streetwise map, or Michelin's "Paris par Arrondisement" book of maps (*#62). I believe both show all the streets and more. I've never needed anything else.

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739 posts

Dick has the good idea! The map is detailed and useful. Paris Par Arrondissement Michelin #62 available from Amazon. I’ve used it to figure out where things are from where we will be staying. It is slightly larger than a US passport.
I’ve not used CityMapper but might do so so as not to carry the booklet around. Thanks Pam!

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8816 posts

For that kind of detail you want a map book -- there are several published -- the size of a paperback with detailed maps of each arrondissement

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10850 posts

Paris Pratique par Arrondissement.
The last edition I bought at a news kiosk was 7.50€ in 2010. That's the tiny book with every street that fits into a purse or large pocket.

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8872 posts

These are ideas from Stanfords- the London travel maps specialist-

I assume they mail internationally, or just the book suggested by @Bets at the airport when you arrive in Paris.

I use 'Paris Commode- Plans par arrondissements' editions A Leconte- 1997 edition, but that is still published- I know there is a 2022 edition. I know the Metro and RER maps in my copy are out of date, but I plan urban transit generally using, and just get up to date maps in any city when I get there.

A to Z is a UK thing- there is one for every city and many towns, still very useful for dinosaurs like me.

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10507 posts

Indeed, you want a map book like Janet and Bets mentioned.

Those Streetwise maps don't cover a very big area. I like them but I think they are limited for a place like Paris.

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10850 posts

Yes, Paris Commode is another of the little map books. I had a red, hardcover one from the 1970s.

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4 posts

Thanks so much everyone for all the good map info. My week in Paris will be the best.

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152 posts

We Love, Love, Love Paris Streetwise.

It is laminated so it holds up well and folds up to a manageable size. It details every street and has them listed alphabetically for easy reference. The map apps are terrific for directions and your immediate area, but sometimes when you zoom in you lose perspective and when you zoom out you lose details. I think it would be great to have both. Have a great trip!

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6713 posts

I have both and I'd take both along on a trip to Paris. Streetwise is very compact and durable, but can be hard to read and doesn't cover as big an area as the Michelin mapbook. But the mapbook (#62) is compact enough, extremely detailed, and covers everything inside the Peripherique and some beyond.

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15183 posts

Yes! Thanks to all for giving the correct name, lol. Indeed the map book is the one I’m thinking about.

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4976 posts
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2160 posts

I have the Michelin Paris Pouche 50 map. Small, foldable, easy to tuck in daybag. Lots of detail and street names. But we mainly end up using the downloaded google app map that we can markour desired restaurants and shops, etc. Makes it easy to plan our route as we’re out walking.

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20 posts

1 have a "Le petit parisian. Terrific if tiny print, has bus map and metro map pages of each arrondissement, along with the corresponding arr. It incudes bus stps, taxi stands, post offices...No streets missing, I got it in a Paris bookstore.