Hi everyone!
I am looking for guidance on a trip I am planning for me and my husband in the late April to early May time frame (a celebration for our 5th wedding anniversary and my 40th birthday). While we have traveled in France before, we have never visited Paris or onward to Champagne and Alsace. Considering all of this, we are traveling for a fairly short time - 10 days.
Our travel style is extremely laid back. We are not looking to stand in line for many major tourist attractions. We are more looking for to casually walk around, find something that looks intriguing, pop in for a bite to eat, a drink or two and basically see what we run into. Considering the time of year we really want to spend our time outdoors exploring. Additionally, while we love city life we know that we only have so much time and actually prefer to get out into the country side. The initial thought is to spend maybe 2 days in Paris (and possibly 1 more day before we fly home), take a train out to Reims, rent a car and head out towards Alsace. Once out towards Alsace I would prefer to find a good base where we can travel around on the wine trail for a few days. We will fly round trip to/from CDG.
Any suggestions or other information is greatly appreciated!!