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Paris: Butte aux Cailles & Rue Daguerre

For the Butte, I want to search out the art nouveau, street art and Alsatian architecture ...definitely visit or even take a swim in the art deco pool

Any quirky shops of note? I'm not into clothes, but really just anything unique

Can you really fill your water bottle from the well at Place Paul Verlaine?

Food recs? Patisseries or Boulangeries, anything sweet?

Les Temps des Cerises and Chez Gladines - as good as their reps?

Looking forward to exploring Rue Daguerre - would love some recommendations

Thank you !

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887 posts

Rue Daguerre is one of my favorite market streets. Because it is a true market street without a lot of tourist. There’s a very good bakery, but mainly the big draw is just wandering around watching people and enjoying myself.

The café on the corner is great for people watching and the food is decent, but there are other really good restaurants up and down the street. Just walk along and see what interests you. It is definitely. About a block from there is the liberation museum and if you are at all interested in World War II liberation of France it’s quite interesting in my opinion

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8805 posts

We often stay at the edge of the Butte aux Cailles and when we stay there, we fill our water for household use at the artesian well at Place Verlaine -- it is said to be the best water in Paris (don't know if that is true and Paris tap water is pretty good, but the water from the well is notably excellent). You can see people filling containers there any time -- there are 4 or 5 taps.

The bakeries on Tolbiac including Brun have really excellent bread -- both have won the top baguette award in recent years --

Chez Gladines has big plates of messy pretty good basque food. Les Temps des Cerise has standard cafe fare -- decent enough - nothing special. However there is an excellent small restaurant down Tolbiac past the church which is worth a visit -- small menu, always a vegetarian option, good food. Le Verbelon.

Find a good walking map for the area which will lay out the various architectural sites. The area south of Tolbiac is full of interesting architecture as well. There is also a villa known as the village of flowers. The last time or two we have strolled there it has been a bit disappointing compared to years ago when we first encountered it and the residents seemed committed to floral beauty.

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385 posts

Carol, that’s just what I’m looking for - it sounds wonderful. And, no offense to tourists like me..but I love that it’s mostly locals

I do love WW II history, and I’ll be going to Bayeux - from which I’ll be taking a day tour to two D-Day beaches, etc…, so I should definitely pay a visit

Thank you - I cant wait to explore!

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385 posts

Janet, thanks! I love water - it’s pretty much all I drink, so this is good to know!

Yum - I’ll make note of Brun and check out the others.

Both Cerises & Gladine look good (I love Basque food), and so does Le Verbalon be seriously considered

I’ll see about the map - that village sounds lovely. Maybe with a little luck, especially as it will be June…

Thank you !!!!