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Paris art/fine craft /street/neighborhood fairs/shows where to find?

Hello fellow travelers.

Starting next Saturday, I will be in Paris for a little less than a week.
I'm going (and have gone to) many of the wonderful and famous art museums (which I could go back to multiple times) BUT I'd like not to be indoors all day this time of year no matter how great the Louvre and Orsay are.

Does anybody have any recommendations for art or fine craft street fairs or open artist studios in Paris? What and where do the locals go for outdoor neighborhood happenings that are not super touristy? Any annual or seasonal events Parisians go to in the next couple of weeks?

Thank you in advance for any tips you may share!

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3891 posts

There is a Belleville artists' open studio event but sadly that takes place in May. Here is the map from this year's which might give you some ideas. You may want to consider going into Belleville and walking around Rue Denoyez if you like street art. In 2018, I went to retrospective for the photographer WIlly Ronis that was held at Pavillon Carré de Baudouin. The retrospective was excellent and other than me and my husband, it seemed quite local oriented (no English language explanations). You may want to see if they are having any shows at the Pavillon. I found it by going through TimeOut Paris Arts & Culture page when I was there.

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8447 posts

There are vide grenier i.e. neighborhood flea markets that pop up from time to time and you see on posters. I have actually got my best bargains in those although it is mostly junk

There are also larger 'brocante' markets. And of course the big continuous markets: St. Ouen and Vanves are the ones I have visited -- Not going to find bargains, but they are quite diverse and sometimes interesting. I have bought beautiful champagne flutes quite distinctive from what I find in the US at the St. Ouen market but they were not cheap; I also bought 4 quite lovely flutes in a vide grenier in Batignolles which I paid 4 for 15 Euro.

Every Saturday the Richard Lenoir or Bastille market is an arts and crafts market. We have never found anything we wanted but you might have better luck.

The art open house in the 19th/20th is really interesting and fun. You wander to various ateliers and see artist work where they create it. I have several of the small pieces the artists create to raise money for the event in my home. But it is an annual thing and as noted in late May.

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Maybe a litle bit late, but if you like street art, the 13th arrondissement of Paris is well endowed, and I know there are guided tours organized.

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7268 posts

There is a weekly crafts market at Edgar Quinet on Sundays. not sure about summer hours though.

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153 posts

Here's a website I have bookmarked. I check it before i leave, so I know what's going on before I go. Be aware that the flea market listed at the Aligre market in the 12th is dire and never worth the trip unless you're also going for the food market, which is definitely worth the trip. I have no idea if the list is comprehensive or not.

In your wanderings, watch flyers posted at kiosks around the city, both for vide greniers and concerts that aren't posted anywhere else. Both can be quite worthwhile.

Also, the arts market at Bastille on Saturdays can be either terrific or a big bust, depending on who's there. I've found some fun things there, and been there when it all seemed like tat.