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Paris and Epernay

I am planning an 8 day trip to Normandy and Paris.. I am planning 2 nights in Bayeux with a tour of the D Day sites through Overlord and then on to Paris for 5 days. It is not our 1st time in Paris, but it has been some time since we have been there. I have a few questions to all of the experts who have always been helpful in my trip planning.
We would like to go to Epernay for a day during the week between Christmas and New Years. Am I correct that all of the champagne houses are closed during that time and it would not be an option?
I'm not sure of where to stay in Paris, I'm thinking of staying in the 9th Arrondissement (we are a fit couple in our 70's and are not looking for night life). Would that be the best area or are there any other suggestions for an older couple?
As always thanks for all your advise.

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512 posts

I liked the 7th Arrondissement, which is near the Eiffel Tower, in part because the area was relatively calm yet close to the things I wanted to do. I would avoid the 3rd and 4th arrondissements in the Marais area. They were a bit raucous.

I hope you love Bayeux. I stayed there, also to see the D-Day sites, in 2012 and had a great visit.

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7028 posts

I would avoid the 3rd and 4th arrondissements in the Marais area. They were a bit raucous.

I am not sure about that, there are some bars in three very small areas (rue dupetit Thouars, rue de Bretagne, southern rue des Archives) and that's it!

The 9th is good, preferably close to the Grands Boulevards for easier transportation. The 7th is good too, but is less central towards the western edge. Many people swear by the 6th, too.

As long as you stay in single digit arrondissements it is hard to go wrong...

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464 posts

We like staying near the Arc de Triomphe. I am not sure of your budget, but we really enjoyed Hotel Balmoral Champs Elysees which is on a quiet street near the Charles de Gaulle Etoile Metro station from which you can take the metro to anywhere is Paris. There are restaurants nearby and it was fun to walk along the Champs Elysees. The Eiffel Tower is nearby also and easy to take the metro to Trocadero for the great views of the Eiffel Tower. There are several other hotel possibilities in the 17th arrondisement right near the Arc de Triomphe as well.