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We are suppose to travel to Paris on Thursday to meet my son who is studying abroad in Metz. We are concerned to travel this soon to Paris.

Posted by
7109 posts

Well, how does your son feel about it? If he's over in France now I'm sure he will have an opinion one way or another. Nobody here is going to tell you to go or not to go, only you can decide if you want to rise above your concern and go ahead or to make other arrangements. I understand that it's a tough decision right now but only you can make it. In your shoes I would go ahead and go, but I'm not you so I can't advise you to do that based on my feelings.

Posted by
1858 posts

Don't cancel!

You don't say whether you are concerned about safety or about the potential that things will be closed or in disarray. It is possible not everything will be back to normal by the end of this week, but the worst thing we can do as Americans is to let the terrorists win by canceling our plans to visit Europe.

Go and let our Parisian friends know you are with them, not just in spirit but in person, in this difficult time.

Posted by
10 posts

My son who is in France would prefer not to go to Paris. Delta is not being very helpful with changing arrangements. I have never been to Paris so I would prefer to go when things are at least open. I am also traveling with my mother and other college son. It is not to be concerned with safety. i was so looking forward to seeing my son and exploring the great city of Paris. I dream trip I had planned.

Posted by
7109 posts

In your shoes I would go ahead and take the flight you have originally planned. You may find that when you get there some of the 'dust' has settled and possibly your son will have changed his mind. If not, you could take a train from Paris to Metz and enjoy your time with your son exploring a different area of France (rather than Paris) - Nancy, Strasbourg, Colmar are all wonderful cities you could enjoy together. I don't know what your situation is with your accommodations in Paris (if you had made reservations already) and whether or not they could be easily cancelled. Just something you have to deal with.

Posted by
7766 posts

If you're committed, and paid-for, and Delta won't make changing viable, then can you all proceed as planned, and go and hopefully be able to have a worthwhile visit? I wonder if sights outside of Paris will be affected by closures or limitations or if that's just going to be within Paris itself, if at all by Thursday? Will your son have suggestions, or maybe places (even if not Parisian) that will help salvage this trip? I imagine it will be good for everyone to see their son/grandson/brother in any event. Best wishes, however it turns out.

Posted by
870 posts

Since your son has been in Metz, he may enjoy seeing sites in eastern France as Nancy suggested. It is obviously a very difficult time, and not what you expected when you planned this trip, but I think you could still see your son and have a very enjoyable trip. Not sure how long you plan to be there but you and the rest of your group may feel comfortable going to Paris before you return home.

Posted by
234 posts

I suggest you keep your plans to see your son and give consideration to Nancy's suggestion. We have been to Metz and Colmar and the area around it. It is wonderful. It may not be Paris but I think you could still have a very nice trip if you have not been to these areas and you also get to spend time with your son. Not to say that Paris is not special, we have been there also and it is unforgettable, but I think you will still have a great vacation traveling in the areas mentioned. The area should be easy to reach by train from CDG and is probably less than a two hour ride.

Posted by
8765 posts

Just my best wishes for whatever you decide. Do come back and let us know how it all turns out.

Posted by
437 posts

Tough timing. I would decide based on which would you regret the most: going or not-going?

I would go to see and to reassure your son. Go to Metz, see the school and where he is living. Then decide how to spend the rest of your visit.

Good luck.

Posted by
10 posts

I think we are going but will try to change a few of our stops. If anyone has information coming from friends or family directly in Paris I would love to hear. I have to see my son. If it is safe for him then it is safe for me.

Posted by
7766 posts

I don't in any way want to appear to be making light of the terrible attacks and killings this past weekend, but IN GENERAL, the biggest worries about traveling to France are: 1.) getting to the boulangerie and they're out of croissants or baguettes; 2.) stepping in dog droppings on the sidewalk (lots of people just don't clean up after their dog); 3.) second-hand cigarette smoke.

Have a great trip, and I wish you all safety and strength!

Posted by
32303 posts


It sounds like things in Paris are slowly starting to return to normal. There were reports on the news this morning that the Eiffel Tower, Louvre and other sites will be reopening today. The security presence will likely be very robust so I wouldn't have any hesitation about travelling to Paris.

Posted by
1413 posts

Just plan accordingly. Extra time going through security at the Airport as well as some of the sites. As always with any trip, be safe and enjoy.

Posted by
11294 posts

Since your son is studying in Metz, he may have already seen Nancy. But if he hasn't (or even if he has), it's well worth a trip. It's a gem, and is a must if you like Art Nouveau or beautiful glassware. The main square is gorgeous both by day and by night.

In nearby Strasbourg, don't miss the Museum of Alsatian Life. I didn't care for Strasbourg - except for this museum, which I'd gladly return to see again.

Posted by
10 posts

Just an update...we decided to travel to Paris, Metz and Normandy as scheduled. Our trip was wonderful! I felt very safe in Paris as well as all of France. Paris was simply amazing! The people were friendly and helpful. The sights, streets and businesses were busy and full of life. The Christmas markets were magical. Metz and Normandy were equally as special! I am so glad that I did not left the Paris incident change my plans. I will return to Paris again! Thanks for the kind words from the group!

Posted by
1825 posts

Thanks for the update. Glad you had a great trip. Makes me feel like the perpetrators didn't accomplish as much as they had hoped.

Posted by
9991 posts

Glad you had a good visit Tammie. I know there was a lot to consider for people who were coming so soon after the attacks.

Posted by
1413 posts

152 days and counting until my return to Paris. Glad you had an enjoyable time.

Posted by
7766 posts

That's encouraging and comforting that you had a successful trip. France is officially On Alert through the end of February 2016, and hopefully there won't be more instigators and attacks during that time, or beyond.

Awareness is important, but being able to carry through with your plans is important, too. Happy future travels, and good luck to your son in school!

Posted by
2 posts

I love Paris. I've been a few times with my wife and can't get enough of it. Sometimes i think the Parisians can be a bit rude, but apparently the rest of the french think that as well!. The boat trips on the seine are amazing. It was weird seeing a smaller version of the statue of liberty!! I did have the misfortune of having dinner up the Eiffel Tower. Juals Vern restaurant. Don't get me wrong it was amazing, but the prices were as high as we were, and my wife's menu didn't have prices, just mine. It was amazing. The food was perfect, and i still dine out on the stories, so probably was worth it, but if you're after a reasonably priced steak hash, avoid at all costs. If you're going to Paris to propose.....then perfect!!!!