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Paris 10 t+ tickets for two people - iPhone or Navigo Easy pass

We will be in Paris in November. We will arrive from Amboise by train and SNCF allows me to buy a ticket from Amboise to the metro station nearest my hotel (Censier-Daubenton). We will be in Paris for six days (Friday to Thursday). We will be staying in the Paris area and aren't planning to go to Versailles or Disneyland.

We plan to walk a lot so it looks like the best ticket for us will be 10 t+ tickets. We know that the decouvert pass will not work for us because of our dates. We don't want an unlimited multi day pass as we like to travel at a slower pace and might not use one enough to get value from it.

I am confused about several things for the t+ tickets:

  • whether I can buy and use t+ tickets on my iPhone or whether I nee to buy a Navigo easy pass. My iPhone 11 is using iOS 17.5.1.
  • if I need a Navigo easy pass whether I can buy this at any metro station
  • there will be two of us - whether we can use one set of 10 tickets between us by just tapping on twice in a row and if so, can we do this on an either an iPhone or a Navigo easy pass. The information I can find about the Navigo easy pass says that it is not a personal pass, but I can find nothing about two people using the same pass.

We generally only have one iPhone available during the day as we leave the other one locked up in the hotel safe. The phone we leave in the hotel is an older iPhone and will only run iOS up to version 15.

My preferred option would be to have 10 t+ tickets on one iPhone and be able to use these for both of us.

Posted by
262 posts

I can’t answer your first question, but as to your second question, yes you can buy an Easy pass at an Metro station, As to your third question, you will each need your own pass. You can share an Easy pass, yiu both cannot use the same pass on the same journey.

Posted by
656 posts

The Paris By Train website explains options and process in great detail. It has been updated to include the iPhone options as well including how to use the app and load tickets.

Posted by
8447 posts

The advice that 'Easy passes are not personalized so yes you can use them for multiple people' is wrong.

Everyone has to have their own Easy pass and you CANNOT split a carnet of 10 tickets between two people and thus capture the reduction as you could with paper tickets. Each person has to have their own phone; you can not double tap for two people. You cannot hand the Navigo Easy back so a second person can go through the turnstile. Each person has to have their own card or phone.

You can give your Easy to another person to use on another occasion but two people cannot use one at the same time. I know someone up thread said this, but there is a long post giving the wrong info in between that and this.

If you managed to open the turnstile this way you would still be subject to heavy fine if controlled as the machine of the agent would only read one ticket on the phone or card. The stile would probably not work without 5 or more minutes passing between two attempts to enter as it does with the ND -- you get a buzz and the turnstile doesn't open.

Posted by
883 posts

the problem is that the 10 pack (Carnet) of tickets used to be on PAPER, so you could easily buy a 10 pack and split it amongst your group. You cannot do that now since it's digital. There's still old verbiage out there.

Posted by
1071 posts

Thanks everyone. I have resolved my confusion. Some of my problem seemed to be that when I initially looked at this a couple of months ago you couldn't use an iPhone for metro tickets.

My plan is:

  • I will have 10 t+ tickets for myself on my iPhone
  • My technology-phobic husband will buy a Navigo Easy pass and load 10 t+ tickets onto that

I will be happy. He will be happy.

Posted by
8447 posts

This would be me in reverse. My husband will put the ND on his phone next year, but I even with an I phone prefer to use the ND (or NE) card.

Posted by
1130 posts

Just got back from Paris - can confirm there are no longer paper 10-pack tickets like they used to have. Can also confirm more than one person cannot share a digital 10-pack. They still do individual paper tickets for about 2 euros each. These tickets are good for 90 minutes so you don't have to buy again if you're within that time window. The machines in France have an English option to purchase them. We did this for our family of 4 and it was no problem, I don't think having the pass on our phones in advance would have saved us any major time. Regarding buses: there are no ticket machines at the stops so you have to buy tickets by text or load to the Navigo card. I tried doing the text option (I had a French sim card I bought at the airport) and it wouldn't let me do it, because my phone number could not accept charges. You can also pay the bus driver in cash. Regarding trams: they have the machines and paper tickets just like the Metro.

Soooo....long story short, I wouldn't worry too much about it until you get there. If you want to try the pass on your phone, great. If not, know that paper tickets are still available, cheap, and easy to purchase on the fly.

Posted by
2660 posts

Hope this helps:

there are no longer paper 10-pack tickets like they used to have.

You may purchase as many paper 10 packs as you like, the cost however is 2.15€ per ticket.

These tickets are good for 90 minutes so you don't have to buy again if you're within that time window.

Tickets are good for one trip, from station A to station B to include any required connections, as long as you do not exit the network. Tickets t+ are not 90 minute passes (good for 90 minutes). There are no two stations so far apart that you will need anywhere near 90 minutes to complete your journey. The 90 minute rule is a non issue that only seems to confuse people.

Regarding buses: there are no ticket machines at the stops

True, but you may purchase tickets t+ at magazine stores, tabacs, or hundreds of 3rd party sellers all over the city. The driver will also sell you a ticket d'accès à bord, 2.50€ which is valid only on his bus - transfers not included.

buy tickets by text

For this to work, you must have an account with a mobile phone provider, not just a prepaid SIM.

Posted by
8447 posts

Kelly -- the tickets are not good for 90 minutes; they are good for one trip. If you leave the metro and want to return in 60 minutes you still need a new ticket. Some cities have timed tickets but Paris is not one of them.

On the bus you can transfer but must be in the direction you are going i.e. you cannot do a round trip and you cannot board the same bus twice, so no hop on hop off even within 90 minutes.

Just thing for t+ tickets as 'one ride'

Posted by
1130 posts

Sorry to confuse anyone - but all I know is, our paper tickets continued to work within the 90 minute window last week - we weren’t trying to cheat the system, we just thought that was how it worked? (And since the Paris metro has glass barriers that open when you put in a ticket this seems a reasonable assumption - I put in my ticket, the barrier opens, ergo my ticket is still good?)

Posted by
4764 posts

And remember to beware all the "helpful" citizens loitering around ticket machines

Posted by
8447 posts

There are stations where you need to go through several barriers to get to your platform e.g. Chatelet Les Halles complex. The machines 'know' you are on a continuing trip and open the barriers.

If you actually left the metro, faffed around for awhile and then tried to re-enter the metro with a used ticket and it opened the barrier then there was a defect in the barrier. It is not the way tickets generally work.

Only stress this, so someone doesn't end up frustrated when it doesn't work for them. You got a bonus ride if it is as you describe.

Posted by
2660 posts

but all I know is, our paper tickets continued to work within the 90 minute window

Specifically, where were you when you did this? It is possible to exit the network at a couple of locations and re-enter with the same ticket t+ (which is not what you are supposed to do). For example, riding from Gare du Nord to les Halls on the RER B using a ticket t+, you could exit the network, yet return later (within a 90 minute period) and continue onto métro 4 or transition to another métro/RER line. This quirk in the system is there to allow people to connect from RER to métro, without invalidating their ticket t+ as they change. Another place where this can happen is at Denfert Rochereau, or anywhere RER and métro lines are mixed within the same station.

The ticket t+ is not meant to be a 90 minute pass with unlimited use. It is valid for one journey only. The 90 minute rule has been in effect for many years, but within the last year or so, it seems to get a lot of attention. It shouldn't.

Posted by
1130 posts

@Tocard, you've hit the nail on the head about the RER. That's how it continued working for us, getting on and off the RER, once by Notre Dame and once by the Eiffel Tower. Good to know!