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can anyone suggest a safe guided tour to the city of Paris for my wife and six year old daughter to the gardens and museams. Our hotel is likely to be in La Defense as i will be attending a conference in CINT during that time. Any other suggestions are welcome.


saugata sen (India)

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2092 posts

You could see if there is anything that would meet their needs at Personally I would just tour independently, walking or taking the metro but if they are more comfortable with a guide and a group of people, this company might work for them.

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1806 posts

Paris Walks has specific tours for families with children, and also offers private guides if you want to have them tailor something specifically to meet the interests of your family. Another option might be a private tour in a convertible Citroen. Viator offers these tours and there are other operators who also offer touring around Paris by Citroen if you want to compare prices.

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11507 posts

Paris is a safe city for your wife and child to visit on their own. I took my 11 yr old daughter there by myself.. my husband stayed in Canada! I have also visited alone..

Do not worry so much. Just tell her to her to make sure her wallet/purse is secure from pickpockets.

Outside the Louvre is a nice park for your child.. there is a free playground, and a pay for ride fair ground in season.

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8293 posts

Bus No. 73 runs all the way from La Defense to the d'Orsay, passing lots of places of interest. If they get off the bus at Etoiles that can visit the Arc de Triomphe. Your hotel can tell them how to walk to the bus terminal at la Defense, where they can also buy bus/metro tickets and acquire a bus and metro map. I imagine your little girl would love the view from the top of the Arc.. A ride on the upper deck of a hop-on&off tour bus would be fun, safe and easy. You can board one of these tour buses at Etoiles. A short cruise on the Seine is something all (most) children like, too.