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Other French teachers out there? Summer programmes?

Bonjour tout le monde,

I was wondering if there are other French teachers out there who like to spend their summers perfecting their languages skills? What do you guys like to do? Do you do any summer programmes?

In the past I have done 3:

  1. The French Traveler . - a "stage linguistique" lead by an amazing woman who chooses a different city every year. In 2024 she will be in Dijon, last year was in Lille, and the year before in Bordeaux. The cool part of this stage (workshop )is that it has an "intervenant" from a local school who leads us in morning seminars that is tied to AP programmes. The afternoons are spent discovering the city we are in with guided tours and amazing lunches.

2 & 3 Alliance Française de Rouen and the Institut de Touraine - they offer teacher training courses in academic backgrounds. These give "classes" as opposed to strages. Some teachers feel they need a bit more linguistially, and these are for them.

How about you guys? What do you do? Any tricks of the trade?

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The French teachers will understand and thank you for these referrals, but to help the English speakers with lower levels of French, a French "stage" is a "workshop" in English. Sometimes franglais just takes over, n'est-ce pas.