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On and off TGV trains in Paris and Provence

I will be traveling by TGV train from Paris to Lyon with a friend and her husband in late September, returning to Paris from Avignon at the end of our trip. My question concerns getting on and off the TGV trains. Are there tall steps or stairs from the platform up onto the train, or is the entry at platform level? My friend and I are both quite petite, and her husband has back issues and can't lift much more than his duffle bag. We are all planning to pack light, but I am still a bit worried about hoisting bags up the train steps. Thank you!

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9436 posts

We took the TGV from Paris to Avignon, and back again from Avignon to Paris in Sept of 2019. I saw no platform level steps. They were high, steep and an effort, especially with my suitcase which i don’t take my hand off of. But they do have a handrail which helps a lot.

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8889 posts

There are 3 standard size steps up from the platform to the train.
See photo here:

A common trick is to put your bag on the top step inside the train, then get in and pick up your bag.
Vice-versa getting out, put down your bag on the top step, get out and then pick it up.

Or with two people, one gets in first and the person outside hands them the bags. Here is a photo of somebody doing exactly that:

And, if it is a double-decker there will be extra steps inside.

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14554 posts

Also, make sure you don't have anything in your hand except your suitcase so you can use the rail Susan mentions. Have your purse cross body, if you've got a sandwich/drink/food stow that in your purse/tote/daypack before you try to get on/off. You won't need your tickets right away either so have those put away as soon as you figure out where you are going. You may know all this but I walk myself thru these steps, lol! didn't ask about this but pack as lightly as you can so you and your friend can handle your bags on your own. I try to keep my bag at around 22# (some people come in way lower than that!) which is what I can lift up 3 steps into the train and then manage up the short flight to the upper deck of seats.

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9436 posts

I guess it depends on the particular TGV you get? The steps were higher and steeper than Chris’ photo on the two TGVs i took.

I know about putting your suitcase up first but i couldn’t because the steps were high (i’m 5’3) and there were lots of people crowding me who also wanted to get on. So i grabbed the rail, stepped up the 2 steps, then hoisted my suitcase up. I had the extended handle at the max height which allowed me to hold onto the handle as i climbed up.

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8441 posts

The steps are very steep and it is difficult to lift luggage and there are not porters (although there may be thieves). Be sure you have your valuables in a money belt under your clothes if you are wrangling luggage and it is a struggle. I personally have observed the aftermath and also know several people who have had purses or wallets stolen on trains or getting on trains or in lines to get on trains. On one occasion the woman across the aisle from us had her purse stolen from her seat as she stood by the seat putting a bag into the overhead compartment. Thieves entered and walked down the aisle as if passengers and snagged a purse or two and exited.

They are increasingly securing trains boarding so this may be less of an issue now, but we found good boarding control only some times when we took the TGVs last spring.

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9436 posts

Don’t let a stranger “help” you on the train and don’t let go of your suitcase.