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Posted by
28479 posts

I'd be surprised if there is such an exemption. The linked article says Pitt has (wine) business interests in southern France, so he could reasonably present this as a business trip rather than a vacation. That may matter.

Posted by
10425 posts

I imagine he has a residence card as he lived here at least part-time when he and Angelina Jolie were still married; the article mentions them still jointly owning the estate. I don’t know the technical details of his status, but I do imagine he has that magic long-term residence card.

The means of getting here — private jet or commercial air — doesn’t really matter. It’s his residential status vis-a-vis France that will allow him in or not. (I am assuming this posting is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but that is the crux of it.)

Posted by
9080 posts

The rich and famous get to the front of the line? Perhaps that's the story of life.

I'm sure he did the 14-day quarantine.

Posted by
12118 posts

I am still trying to figure out the rules for US citizens to travel.

Do not feel bad; you have lots of company and by the time anyone figures it out it will probably be changed.

Posted by
10766 posts

No quarantine but one has to have a negative result to a COVID PCR test administered within the preceding 72 hours if allowed in from the States. If they were coming from Germany, then no restrictions. No, borders aren't open yet.

Posted by
642 posts

Here's a link to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Travel Centre where you can click on the country for their travel restrictions info. You have to read all the info very carefully for each country. Of course, all is subject to change. See #2 for France - Passengers arriving from the US need a negative COVID test no more than 72 hours old. I imagine that will be challenging to get.

Posted by
10766 posts

But let's be clear, France is not admitting visitors, only citizens and returning visa holders, and yes, they have to comply with the 72-hour PCR test procedure. US diplomates have just been exempted from the testing. New visa holders are caught in limbo: they have given up homes here, shipped personal items to France, but they aren't allowed to enter yet. The door for overseas French citizens could close any time as cases increase. So, if you aren't a citizen, returning visa holders or Brad Pitt, you're out of luck.

Posted by
10425 posts

You need the negative test to board the plane, but the only people who can go board the plane are those who meet one of the French exceptions — I.e. they are a French citizen, they are a legal resident, they are a diplomat, they are involved as a health care worker with the Covid fight, transport crew, etc etc.

I've posted it before, but here again is the list of categories of people who can enter France if they are from an excluded country like the United States:

(Source: French Interior Ministry website)

[ ] Ressortissant de nationalité française, ainsi que son conjoint et ses enfants ;

[ ] Ressortissant de l’Union européenne ou ressortissant andorran, britannique, islandais, liechtensteinois, monégasque, norvégien, suisse, de Saint-Marin et du Vatican, ayant sa résidence principale en France ou qui rejoint, en transit par la France, le pays dont il est le national ou le résident, ainsi que son conjoint et ses enfants ;

[ ] Ressortissant de pays tiers, titulaire d’un titre de séjour ou d’un visa de long séjour français ou européen en cours de validité, ayant sa résidence principale en France ou qui rejoint, en transit par la France, son domicile dans un pays de l’Union européenne ou assimilé ;

[ ] Ressortissant de pays tiers, en transit de moins de 24 heures en zone internationale ;

[ ] Membre de délégation en mission officielle ou personnel de mission diplomatique et ou consulaire, ou d’une organisation internationale ayant son siège ou un bureau en France, de même que leur conjoint et enfants ; 

[ ] Professionnel de santé étranger concourant à la lutte contre la Covid-19 ;

[ ] Équipage ou personnel étranger exploitant des vols passagers et cargo, ou voyageant comme passager pour se positionner sur sa base de départ ;

[ ] Ressortissant étranger qui assure le transport international de marchandises ;

[ ] Conducteur ou équipier d’autocar ou de train de passagers ;

[ ] Membre d’équipage ou personne exploitant un navire de commerce ou de pêche ;

[ ] Etudiant titulaire d'un VLS, d'un VCS pour études ou pour stages (hors VCS Concours), ou venant pour moins de 90 jours en provenance d’un pays dispensé de VCS, justifiant d’un lieu d’hébergement en France ;

[ ] Professeur ou chercheur employé ou invité par un établissement d’enseignement ou un laboratoire de recherche français qui se déplace à des fins d’études et d’enseignement ;

[ ] Ressortissant de pays tiers disposant d’un VLS « passeport Talent »

Posted by
12118 posts

[]French national, as well as his spouse and children;

[] European Union national or Andorran, British, Icelandic, Liechtenstein, Monegasque, Norwegian, Swiss, San Marino and Vatican national, having his main residence in France or who reaches the country in transit through France of which he is the national or the resident, as well as his spouse and children;

[] Third-country national, holder of a valid French or European residence permit or long-stay visa, having his main residence in France or who, in transit through France, reaches his domicile in a European Union country or assimilated
[] Third-country national, in transit for less than 24 hours in the international zone;

[] Member of a delegation on official mission or staff of a diplomatic and / or consular mission, or of an international organization having its seat or an office in France, as well as their spouse and children;

[] Foreign health professional contributing to the fight against Covid-19;

[] Foreign crew or personnel operating passenger and cargo flights, or traveling as a passenger to position themselves at their home base;

[] Foreign national who provides international transport of goods
] Driver or crew of a coach or passenger train;

[] Crew member or person operating a commercial or fishing vessel;

[] Student holding a VLS, a VCS for studies or internships (excluding VCS Competition), or coming for less than 90 days from a country exempt from VCS, justifying a place of accommodation in France ;

[] Professor or researcher employed or invited by a French educational establishment or research laboratory who travels for the purposes of study and teaching;

[] Third-country national with a VLS "Talent passport"

Posted by
5534 posts

OK for US citizens to visit France now? No, with very few exceptions listed above very clearly provided by the French government. Same is true for just about every country in Europe at the moment, no matter how ordinary or extraordinary you are.

Posted by
1321 posts

Celebrity trumps CV19 ... I saw an interview with Keanu Reeves where he said he was in Berlin filming a movie and that he had been there 6 weeks.... ummm.... that's well within the travel ban

Posted by
2916 posts

Celebrity trumps CV19

I don't think that's the case unless the celebrity qualifies otherwise. For example, in the list above is "Third-country national with a VLS "Talent passport"" That passport includes "Performing Artist."