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Off the beaten path Paris

My husband and I are visiting Paris in early February and need some places to visit that are a little off the beaten path. We’ve been to Paris three years ago and visited all the major museums/destinations. We’re staying in the St. Germain area at Hotel Monge and have a cooking class planned one day. Thank you in advance!

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11369 posts

We always return to Musee l’Orangetie and Musee Rodin when we return to Paris. Have you
visited Musee Marmottan?

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8 posts

We have visited l’orangerie and I loved it! Rodin is one I want to visit but the only day we have free is the day they’re closed. I definitely have not heard of the third and I’ll check it out!

Posted by
1806 posts

Check the listings for Paris on Atlas Obscura to see which ones would interest you.

And if you've been to all the major museums/destinations, there are a ton of much smaller museums in Paris that are very worthwhile (ex. Fondation Louis Vuitton was recently featuring an exhibit on Basquiat).

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1056 posts

You might consider contacting global Greeters. It’s an organization of people who love their hometowns and who show them to visitors for free. I used a Global greeter in Vienna and was very pleased with my walking tour. I asked to be shown places not on the normal tourist route and that’s exactly what i got, from a very personable guide. I noted that there are Greeters in Paris. You could contact them and ask for a tour. They aren’t allowed to accept tips. Instead, i brought for my greeter a set of greeting cards i handmade using photos of my hometown, Portland, Oregon; sort of a tit for tat.

Posted by
125 posts

I think the path is beaten, but have you been to Atelier des Lumieres? They have an immersive sound and light show featuring the works of Klimt (then, starting in February, Van Gogh). It's near the Lachaise Metro stop. Buy tickets online.

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14580 posts

If you have in mind that goal in Paris, then I would suggest the 20th Arrond...worth your time to visit.

Posted by
1175 posts

Along with the Chateau de Vincennes you should look at the Basilica of St. Denis, the first Gothic cathedral and the burial place of 43 kings and 32 queens of France. Both are usually not crowded. There is also the American military cemetery at Suresnes, across the river from the Eiffel Tower. All have websites in English.

Posted by
8293 posts

Two for your consideration. St Denis Basilica and Chateau Malmaison

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15686 posts

You only have one free day? Apparently a Monday if the Rodin is closed. Cross off the Marmottan, it's also closed on Mondays. Go to the Paris Museum Pass website. There is a list of most of the major and many of the minor sights. You can see which ones are open on Mondays and read brief descriptions. That will give you an idea if they interest you. Then you can research them and make an informed decision.

Posted by
8261 posts

St. Denis is the most amazing less visited site in Paris (just over the city line). It is easy to visit on the metro and the Basilica is just around the corner by the St. Denis Hotel de Ville from the Basilica St. Denis metro stop.

Another option is to get a 'Paris Walks' type book - we used on by Frommers years ago -- and do a stroll in an area you haven't visited. We did one in the 16th that showcased some interesting architecture. We have also walked from Parc Citroen from the Port Dauphine metro stop up the Seine to the Eiffel Tower. The bridges are ornate, there is the Island of Swans with its large model of the Statue of Liberty and the gorgeous Bir Hakeim bridge with good views to the Eiffel Tower (we have always seen brides being photographed there for the iconc Eiffel Tower background).

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1396 posts

For my third trip to Paris I plan on a return visit to the Army Musuem, specifically the Musuem of Plans Reliefs within the building.
Item #10 on the Map:

The Musée des Plans-reliefs preserves and presents a one-of-a-kind collection of historical models of fortified cities and campaigns carried out during the reigns of Louis XIV and Napoleon III. Plan-reliefs are used to plan military strategies, are vital assets to heads of state and miniature masterpieces. They provide a detailed 3D insight into the cities, their buildings, fortifications and surrounding area.

Enjoy your trip.

Posted by
33339 posts

Have you been up on the Plantage, and seen the artisans down below?

Have you been up to the 20e for the Vilette basin and the science city?

Have you visited Senlis?

Have you been to Meaux for some Brie sourced at source?

Posted by
33339 posts

A very strong seconding of Musee Marmottan if it is open when you are by. Well worth it. IMHO

Posted by
2031 posts

Besides the excellent ideas I am thinking, as you are interested in cooking, that it might be worth looking for events like Le Salon de la Gastronomie des Outre-Mer et de la Francophonie (gastronomy of overseas and French speaking countries) in Paris Expo Porte de Versailles from the 1-3 Februari. Likely more interesting for your husband Salon Rétro Mobile, a top classic car show at the same venue from 6-10 February.

Posted by
14298 posts

I've done what Ceidleh suggests and looked for some interesting things I saw on Atlas Obscura. I found the statue of the Lion eating a man's foot in the Jardin des Plantes as well as the cannonball embedded in the wall at Hotel des Sens.

I've also enjoyed some off the main path walks with Paris Walks. Well, often they are near main sights but show you some side streets or unnoticed sites.

One one of my first times in Paris a friend wanted to go to the Guimet Museum which was very interesting. You do need an interest in Asian art, though!

Posted by
176 posts

Have you seen the Jacquemart-Andre museum? It is a wonderful old house, with some very nice art collected by the family. Also, the café there is fun to have lunch in. Peter

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7481 posts

Have you walked through the covered passages, yet? You can Google it and see photos and a list and map of them. I enjoyed those on my third trip to Paris. And I always enjoy stopping in a cafe for the ambiance and also spending time in the Luxembourg Garden.

And definitely take an evening cruise on the Seine if you didn’t go previously.

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9908 posts

Unfortunately the Klimt show at the Atelier des Lumières finished last week, and the new Van Gogh exhibition doesn't start up until February 22 according to their website.

Posted by
394 posts

Another vote for St. Denis, easily reached by Metro. We also enjoyed doing walks listed in the set of cards "City Walks: Paris: 50 Adventures on Foot". Lastly, we have always enjoyed doing the tours offered by Paris Walks.